[PYTHON] Summary of OSS tools and libraries created in 2016

Overview and examples of the following OSSs created in 2016

--CLI tools x 2 --Python library x 10

CLI tool

sqlitebiter A tool to convert CSV / ʻExcel / HTML/JSON / LTSV/Markdown / TSV/Google Sheets to SQLite` database files. You can also convert from the specified URL.


$ ls
sample_data.csv  sample_data.xlsx  sample_data_multi.json  sample_data_single.json
$ sqlitebiter file * -o sample.sqlite
[INFO] convert 'sample_data.csv' to 'sample_data' table
[INFO] convert 'sample_data.xlsx' to 'samplesheet1' table
[INFO] convert 'sample_data.xlsx' to 'samplesheet3' table
[INFO] convert 'sample_data_multi.json' to 'sample_data_multi_table_b' table
[INFO] convert 'sample_data_multi.json' to 'sample_data_multi_table_a' table
[INFO] convert 'sample_data_single.json' to 'sample_data_single_json3' table
$ ls sample.sqlite


$ sqlitebiter -v url "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls"
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html1 (Firewall TEXT, License TEXT, CostUsageLimits TEXT, OS TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html2 (Firewall TEXT, License TEXT, Cost TEXT, OS TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html3 (CanTarget TEXT, Changingdefaultpolicytoacceptrejectbyissuingasinglerule TEXT, IPdestinationaddresses TEXT, IPsourceaddresses TEXT, TCPUDPdestinationports TEXT, TCPUDPsourceports TEXT, EthernetMACdestinationaddress TEXT, EthernetMACsourceaddress TEXT, Inboundfirewallingress TEXT, Outboundfirewallegress TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html4 (Can TEXT, [workatOSILayer4statefulfirewall] TEXT, [workatOSILayer7applicationinspection] TEXT, ChangeTTLTransparenttotraceroute TEXT, ConfigureREJECTwithanswer TEXT, DMZdemilitarizedzoneallowsforsingleseveralhostsnottobefirewalled TEXT, Filteraccordingtotimeofday TEXT, RedirectTCPUDPportsportforwarding TEXT, RedirectIPaddressesforwarding TEXT, FilteraccordingtoUserAuthorization TEXT, TrafficratelimitQoS TEXT, Tarpit TEXT, Log TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html5 (Features TEXT, ConfigurationGUItextorbothmodes TEXT, [RemoteAccessWebHTTPTelnetSSHRDPSerialCOMRS232] TEXT, Changeruleswithoutrequiringrestart TEXT, Abilitytocentrallymanageallfirewallstogether TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html6 (Features TEXT, Modularitysupportsthirdpartymodulestoextendfunctionality TEXT, [IPS : Intrusion prevention system] TEXT, OpenSourceLicense TEXT, [supports IPv6 ?] TEXT, ClassHomeProfessional TEXT, OperatingSystemsonwhichitruns TEXT)' table
[INFO] convert 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls' to 'Comparison_of_firewalls_Wikipedia_html7 (Can TEXT, [NAT44staticdynamicwoportsPAT] TEXT, [NAT64NPTv6] TEXT, IDSIntrusionDetectionSystem TEXT, VPNVirtualPrivateNetwork TEXT, AVAntiVirus TEXT, Sniffer TEXT, Profileselection TEXT)' table

tcconfig A wrapper tool for the network bandwidth control command tc. I made it because I immediately forget the setting format of tc. The following three types of commands are included.

-- tcset: tc filter settings -- tcdel: tc filter removed -- tcshow: Show current tc settings

tcset can filter both ingress and outbound packets.


# tcset --device eth0 --delay 10 --delay-distro 2  --loss 0.01 --rate 0.25M --network --port 8080
# tcset --device eth0 --delay 1 --loss 0.02 --rate 500K --direction incoming
# tcshow --device eth0
    "eth0": {
        "outgoing": {
            "network=, port=8080": {
                "delay": "10.0",
                "loss": "0.01",
                "rate": "250K",
                "delay-distro": "2.0"
            "network=": {}
        "incoming": {
            "network=": {
                "delay": "1.0",
                "loss": "0.02",
                "rate": "500K"

Python library

pytablewriter A library for writing tables. Supports multi-byte characters.

Supported formats: CSV / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / ʻExcel / Pandas/Python / reStructuredText/TOML /TSV`.


import io
import pytablewriter

writer = pytablewriter.MarkdownTableWriter()
writer.table_name = u"Creational patterns".encode("utf_8")
writer.header_list = [u"Pattern name".encode("utf_8"), "Overview", "GoF", "Code Complete[1]"]
writer.value_matrix = [
    ["Abstract Factory", u"It provides a way to appropriately generate a set of related instances depending on the situation.".encode("utf_8"), "Yes", "Yes"],
    ["Builder", "Hide the process of creating a complex instance.", "Yes", "No"],
    ["Factory Method", "It provides an instance generation method that does not depend on the actually generated instance.", "Yes", "Yes"],
    ["Prototype", "Duplicate the prototype instance to create a similar instance.", "Yes", "No"],
    ["Singleton", "Guarantee a single instance for a class.", "Yes", "Yes"],

with io.open("multibyte_table_output.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    writer.stream = f


#Creational patterns
Pattern name|Overview|GoF|Code Complete[1]
Abstract Factory|It provides a way to appropriately generate a set of related instances depending on the situation.|Yes|Yes             
Builder         |Hide the process of creating a complex instance.|Yes|No              
Factory Method  |It provides an instance generation method that does not depend on the actually generated instance.|Yes|Yes             
Prototype       |Duplicate the prototype instance to create a similar instance.|Yes|No              
Singleton       |Guarantee a single instance for a class.|Yes|Yes             

When drawn, it looks like ↓:

Pattern name Overview GoF Code Complete[1]
Abstract Factory It provides a way to appropriately generate a set of related instances depending on the situation. Yes Yes
Builder Hide the process of creating a complex instance. Yes No
Factory Method It provides an instance generation method that does not depend on the actually generated instance. Yes Yes
Prototype Duplicate the prototype instance to create a similar instance. Yes No
Singleton Guarantee a single instance for a class. Yes Yes

SimpleSQLite Wrapper library for the sqlite3 module in Python built-in. To simplify the creation of SQLite database. For details → Created Python library SimpleSQLite that simplifies SQLite table creation / data insertion

DateTimeRange A library for dealing with time ranges. Available during daylight saving time. For details → Created Python library DateTimeRange that handles time range

DataProperty A library for extracting attribute information such as type information and length as a character string. It can be a single data or a data array. It is also possible to extract the information of each column from the data matrix.

Example of extracting attribute information from a single data

>>> from dataproperty import DataProperty
>>> DataProperty(-1.1)
data=-1.1, typename=FLOAT, align=right, str_len=4, ascii_char_width=4, integer_digits=1, decimal_places=1, additional_format_len=1

Example of extracting the attribute information of each column from the data matrix

import sys
import datetime
from dataproperty import DataPropertyExtractor, Typecode

def display_col_dp(dp_list, attr_name):
    """show a value assocciated with an attribute for each
    DataProperty instance in the dp_list"""

    print("---------- {:s} ----------".format(attr_name))
    print([getattr(dp, attr_name) for dp in dp_list])

def main():
    # sample data definitions
    dt = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    inf = float("inf")
    nan = float("nan")
    data_matrix = [
        [1, 1.1,  "aa",   1,   1,     True,   inf,   nan,   dt],
        [2, 2.2,  "bbb",  2.2, 2.2,   False,  "inf", "nan", dt],
        [3, 3.33, "cccc", -3,  "ccc", "true", inf,
            "NAN", "2017-01-01T01:23:45+0900"],

    # extract property for each column from a matrix
    dp_extractor = DataPropertyExtractor()
    dp_extractor.header_list = [
        "int", "float", "str", "num", "mix", "bool", "inf", "nan", "time"]
    dp_extractor.data_matrix = data_matrix
    col_dp_list = dp_extractor.to_col_dataproperty_list()

    print("---------- typename ----------")
    print([Typecode.get_typename(dp.typecode) for dp in col_dp_list])

    display_col_dp(col_dp_list, "align")
    display_col_dp(col_dp_list, "ascii_char_width")
    display_col_dp(col_dp_list, "decimal_places")

if __name__ == "__main__":


---------- typename ----------

---------- align ----------
[right, right, left, right, left, left, left, left, left]

---------- ascii_char_width ----------
[3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 8, 3, 24]

---------- decimal_places ----------
[0, 2, nan, 1, 1, nan, nan, nan, nan]

pingparsing ping A library for parsing command execution results. You can also execute ping.


>ping google.com -n 10 > ping_win.txt

>type ping_win.txt

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=97ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=95ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=194ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=93ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=96ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=96ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=165ms TTL=51

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 10, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 56ms, Maximum = 194ms, Average = 107ms

Parse the execution result of ping like ↑. The execution result of Sample using the library is ↓


parse_sample.py -f ping_win.txt
# properties ---
packet_transmit: 10
packet_receive: 10
packet_loss: 0.0
rtt_min: 56.0
rtt_avg: 107.0
rtt_max: 194.0
rtt_mdev: None

# asdict ---
    "packet_loss": 0.0,
    "packet_transmit": 10,
    "rtt_min": 56.0,
    "rtt_avg": 107.0,
    "packet_receive": 10,
    "rtt_max": 194.0,
    "rtt_mdev": null

pathvalidate A library that validates character strings such as file names and replaces invalid characters.

Windows/Example of replacing with a valid string as a file name on both Linux

import pathvalidate

filename = "_a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt"

mbstrdecoder A library that makes strings Unicode. This has reduced the annoyance of Unicode.

from mbstrdecoder import MultiByteStrDecoder

encoded_multibyte_text = u"Multibyte character".encode("utf-8")

#Both encoded and Unicode strings can be used.
decoder = MultiByteStrDecoder(encoded_multibyte_text)



Multibyte character

pytablereader A library for extracting table data from the text / files of CSV / ʻExcel / HTML/JSON / LTSV/Markdown / TSV`.

sqliteschema A library to get the schema of SQLite database files.


import sys
import simplesqlite
import sqliteschema

def make_database():
    db_path = "example.sqlite"
    con = simplesqlite.SimpleSQLite(db_path, "w")

        attr_name_list=["attr_a", "attr_b"],
        data_matrix=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])

        attr_name_list=["foo", "bar", "hoge"],
            [1, 2.2, "aa"],
            [3, 4.4, "bb"],
        index_attr_list=("foo", "hoge"))

            "primarykey_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
            "notnull_value REAL NOT NULL",
            "unique_value INTEGER UNIQUE",

    return db_path

def main():
    db_path = make_database()
    extractor = sqliteschema.SqliteSchemaExtractor(db_path)

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":


.. table:: sampletable0

    |Attribute name|Data type|Primary key|Not NULL|Unique|Index|
    |attr_a        |INTEGER  |           |        |      |     |
    |attr_b        |INTEGER  |           |        |      |     |

.. table:: sampletable1

    |Attribute name|Data type|Primary key|Not NULL|Unique|Index|
    |foo           |INTEGER  |           |        |      |X    |
    |bar           |REAL     |           |        |      |     |
    |hoge          |TEXT     |           |        |      |X    |

.. table:: constraints

    |Attribute name|Data type|Primary key|Not NULL|Unique|Index|
    |primarykey_id |INTEGER  |X          |        |      |     |
    |notnull_value |REAL     |           |X       |      |     |
    |unique_value  |INTEGER  |           |        |X     |     |

subprocrunner A wrapper library for the subprocess module.


from subprocrunner import SubprocessRunner

runner = SubprocessRunner("echo test")
print("return code: {:d}".format(runner.run()))
print("stdout: {}".format(runner.stdout))


return code: 0
stdout: test

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