[PYTHON] [Pandas] Save DataFrame as JSON, load JSON as DataFrame

Since the calculation of the solution in the three-body problem is often completed in advance and saved, the best method at the moment is recorded. As a concrete flow, create data on Python (cycle, state, system name, etc.) → create pandas.DataFrame → save DataFrame as JSON, and then read JSON as DataFrame.

Export DataFrame as JSON

First, prepare a DataFrame image.png To save this as JSON

path = "/data_storage/my_data.json"
dataframe.to_json(path, orient="index", indent="4", double_precision=15)

First, enter the save destination, file name, and extension (.json, of course) in path. As for the options, orient =" index " is used to save each series, and indend =" 4 " is used to start a new line in the JSON file for each series. The result looks like this


Read JSON as DataFrame

As a precaution when reading the created JSON, use the same orient option as when saving to the `pd.read_json ()` option.

import pandas as pd
path = "/data_storage/my_data.json"
df_loaded = pd.read_json(path, orient="index")

If this orient is incorrect, columns and rows will be swapped and read: image.png

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