I use PlantUML quite a bit when writing documentation. It's been a while since I needed to write a good amount of documents, so I stumbled when I thought about setting up the environment with MkDocs, so I made a memorandum.
All environments are created with docker.
It's not the main point of this time, but I will write how to make it just in case. Prepare the following yaml file and start PlantUML Server with docker-compose up -d.
version: "3.7"
image: plantuml/plantuml-server
- 18080:8080
It is OK if the server starts and you access it with a browser and the following page is displayed.
Here, the IP address of the server is * *, and the page can be accessed at, and the explanation is continued.
The Dockerfile of the container for MkDocs is as follows. Add a package that is based on the official python docker image. This time around, we're just making MkDocs available for Material Design themes and PlantUML.
FROM python:3-buster
RUN pip install -U \
pip \
mkdocs \
mkdocs-material \
plantuml-markdown \
&& mkdocs new docroot
WORKDIR /docroot
Next, docker-compose.yaml looks like this: As for the docroot directory, the directory of the MkDocs project created with * mkdocs new * is kept locally and mounted. When I start the container, * mkdocs serve * starts the server. If you access, the page will be displayed. If you simply use mkdocs serve, it will listen on localhost: 8000, so you cannot access it from outside the container. Therefore, we have added the -a option so that it can be accessed from outside the container.
version: "3.7"
context: ./
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
- ./docroot:/docroot
- 18000:8000
tty: true
command: bash -c "mkdocs serve -a"
The following preparations are required to link with PlantUML.
--Install plantuml-markdown --Added plantuml_markdown extension to mkdocs.yml
I will omit the installation of plantuml-markdown because it is already done with Dockerfile.
Add the following to mkdocs.yml: Previously, the server had to be set to with "plantuml" at the end. I was stumbling because it didn't work as it was because the specifications of PlantUML Server changed. Also, I personally want to display the diagram as svg, so I felt like I had added svg to the URL like, but it is displayed full of exceptions. It was hmm.
There is no need to add anything in this area as to whether the specifications have changed, and only is specified. Note that you don't even need the last slash.
site_name: My Docs
name: material
+ markdown_extensions:
+ - plantuml_markdown:
+ server:
If no format is specified, it looks like the default png. If you want to default to svg like yourself, there seem to be two ways.
--Specify the format every time --Specify the default format
To specify the format each time, specify "format" as shown below.
```plantuml format="svg"
Bob -> Alice : hello
To specify by default, specify as follows in mkdocs.yml.
site_name: My Docs
name: material
- plantuml_markdown:
+ format: svg
With that, you can probably create a document in the environment using the latest MkDocs and PlantUML at the moment. It's been a long time, but thank you for staying with us so far.
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