CSRF countermeasure policy and implementation example in REST application using "Spring Boot" + "EXT JS"

Since there was little information on the above combinations, I summarized it.

Countermeasure policy

As a measure against CSRF (cross-site request forgery), we use a general token issuance method. It is easy to use Set-Cookie to notify the token information from the server to the client. Spring Boot will do it for you. [^ 1] Token transmission from client to server is written independently in JavaScript, and cookie information is written in http header except for GET request [^ 2].

[^ 1]: Even if you pass the token with a cookie (by mistake at first), the browser will send it without permission as if you had the session ID with a cookie, so it is meaningless as a CSRF measure? I thought, but when checking the CSRF token in Spring Boot, it is not looking at the cookie value, but looking at "_csrf of form data" or "X-XSRF-TOKEN of http header". It was a miso. It is necessary to replace the token from cookie to form data or http header, but this is not possible with cross-origin JS (you can not see the cookie of the legitimate domain), so it is a countermeasure.

[^ 2]: Considering the characteristics of CSRF attacks, it is not necessary to verify with a GET request. Spring Boot does not do server-side checks.

  1. Spring Boot
    1.1. Set the CSRF token storage destination as a cookie. 1.2. Not HttpOnly to allow access from JS.
  2. Ext JS
    2.1. GET requests are excluded. 2.1. Obtain token information from cookie value when sending Ajax request with Ext and add it to Http header.

Implementation example

Spring Boot
CSRF measures are enabled by default, but the token storage destination is specified and httpOnly is disabled.


public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            ...//Omitted. Define the necessary definitions as appropriate.

Ext JS
Since it is necessary to give tokens to all requests skipped by Ajax, it is defined in the place called higher. By defining it as "beforerequest", processing is performed before issuing an Ajax request so that it does not have to be implemented individually.


Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function (conn, request, eOpts) {
    //Grant CSRF token in cases other than GET request.
    if (request.method === 'GET') {
    //Cookie XSRF-TOKEN item value, arbitrary http header X-XSRF-Grant as TOKEN.
    if (document.cookie) {
        var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
        for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            var str = cookies[i].split("=");
            if (str[0] == 'XSRF-TOKEN') {
                conn.setDefaultHeaders({ 'X-XSRF-TOKEN': unescape(str[1]) });

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