Measures against garbled characters in Multipart Request with Quarkus

I got a little fit, so make a note.


This will fix the garbled characters

public class ContentTypeSetterPreProcessorInterceptor implements ContainerRequestFilter {
    private @Context HttpServletRequest request;

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {


I made a file upload function with Vue.js and Quarkus, but there was a phenomenon that the titles linked in the same form were garbled. The code I wrote is as follows.

Client side. I'm using new FormData () to use multipart / form-data.

let data = new FormData();
data.append("title", this.item.title);
data.append("myfile", this.item.files[0]);, data).then(() => {
        icon: "success",
        text: "Upload Success!"

Server side. Use JAX-RS @ MultipartForm. Both titles and files are automatically mapped to beans.

public class MyFileFormBean {
    private String title = null;

    private byte[] myfile = null;

JAX-RS side.

public Response upload(@MultipartForm MyFileFormBean form) throws IOException {
    System.out.println("title: " + form.getTitle());

I was planning to do this, but for some reason the Japanese characters were garbled. .. ..

title: ????????????


It seems that RESTEasy converts to ASCII (ISO-8859-1) by default when the character code is not included. It seems that you should specify ʻaccept-charset` in Form, but it seems a little troublesome to do it with JS, so it seems better to forcibly convert it on the server.

After googled there was a sample implementation in JBoss Community.

public class ContentTypeSetterPreProcessorInterceptor implements PreProcessInterceptor {
    public ServerResponse preProcess(HttpRequest request, ResourceMethod method)
            throws Failure, WebApplicationException {
        request.setAttribute(InputPart.DEFAULT_CHARSET_PROPERTY, "UTF-8");
        return null;

However, RestEasy used in Quarkus is JAX-RS 2.0 compliant, so the above writing method is not possible. So you need to use ContainerRequestFilter instead of PreProcessInterceptor.


Rewrite according to JAX-RS 2.0 while referring to the sample. By default, Quarkus uses Vert.x HTTP server as described in Servlet compatibility, so HttpServletRequest cannot be used. So add quarkus-undertow as a dependency.


The following code hooks a request based on JAX-RS 2.0 and forcibly converts DEFAULT_CHARSET_PROPERTY to ʻUTF-8`.

public class ContentTypeSetterPreProcessorInterceptor implements ContainerRequestFilter {
    private @Context HttpServletRequest request;

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {

If you set @Provider, you don't need to add a configuration file. This solved the garbled characters.


I used to write a filter because it is garbled in JavaServlet, but I didn't think I would do it even in modern times, so I got into it a little. File uploads are still full of traps. Although it is different from RFC, UTF-8 has the same code in the ASCII area, and I feel that UTF-8 may be the default.

The issue on GitHub also mentions "UTF-8 encoding problem with MultiPart / RestEasy", so you can easily switch with the configuration file. It may be in the future.

Then Happy Hacking!

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