Python 3.4 pyvenv fails on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

When I try to make a venv for Python 3.4 ...

$ pyvenv-3.4 <directory>
Error: Command '['<directory>/bin/python3.4', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1

I get an error.

If you execute the command directly, you will get the following error, so ʻensure pip` module is missing.

<directory>/bin/python3.4: No module named ensurepip

It can't be helped, so I made venv with the --without-pip option and then manually installed pip to avoid it.

$ pyvenv-3.4 --without-pip <directory>
$ source <directory>/bin/activate

#Installation of setuptools
$ curl -O
$ tar xvfz setuptools-3.4.4.tar.gz
$ cd setuptools-3.4.4/
$ python install

#pip installation
$ curl -O
$ tar xvfz pip-1.5.4.tar.gz
$ cd pip-1.5.4/
$ python install

Rebuilding venv is not so troublesome, so I'm waiting for a fix while avoiding it above.

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