I played with DragonRuby GTK (Game Toolkit)

The other day, I learned about the following charity projects on Twitter.

[A campaign to play 1000 indie games with a donation of at least $ 5 has started. As part of the anti-racism movement --Netorabo](https://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/2006/10/news135 .html)

I don't play PC games very much, but it contains materials, and when I was looking at it, I thought I should buy it if I donated it ... The letters ** Dragon Ruby GTK ** were there.

It seems that you can make cross-platform games with Ruby. (RubyMotion, which was predominant all at once, is now in this family)

This seems to be interesting, so I immediately popped it and played a little on the weekend.

Below is a record of trying the macOS version.

Hello World

Let's move it first.

$ unzip dragonruby-gtk-macos.zip 
$ cd dragonruby-macos/
$ ./dragonruby
# ./Same for dragonruby mygame
Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 22.55.54.png

It worked. mygame / app / main.rb is running.

In my environment, it feels good that the CPU fan doesn't groan even if I run it for a while. (The body gets hot)

Draw a rectangle

I worked in the directory where I unzipped the zip earlier, but I will try working in another location. (To make git management easier)

$ mkdir -p hello-dragonruby-gtk/mygame/app
$ cd hello-dragonruby-gtk/

$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/dragonruby .
$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/font.ttf .

I felt that the dragonruby command was not supposed to be called from another location by setting the PATH, so I copied it. I also needed font.ttf. (Approximately 5.9MB in total)

When you execute it, various directories and files will be created, so gitignore them together.


# DragonRuby

Now that we're ready, let's write the source code to draw the rectangle.


def tick args
  args.outputs.solids << [args.grid.center_x - 32, args.grid.h * 0.1, 64, 64]

I will do it.

Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 23.07.44.png

I was able to draw.

Add it to ʻargs.outputs.solids to draw the shape. Also, since ʻargs.grid contains information such as screen size, I am using that.

It's a little unique, but I don't think it's particularly difficult.

The basic specifications seem to be as follows.

--Screen is 1280x720 pixels --When you change the screen size, it is automatically resized while maintaining the aspect ratio. --The lower left is the origin --FPS is fixed at 60 --The tick I wrote earlier is called frame by frame.

The problem that it is hard to remember the order of the array

Officially, I feel like I'm pushing this notation, but to be honest, it feels painful to kill me for the first time ...

Other writing styles were also prepared properly.


If this is the case, it seems okay to read it for the first time.


  args.outputs.solids << { x: args.grid.center_x - 32, y: args.grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64 }


It seems OK to define the following class.

--Return types such as : solid with the primitive_marker method --Has the same attributes as the hash notation key

I'm using this method for now.


class Primitive
  def initialize(attributes)
    attr_keys.each { |key| send("#{key}=", attributes[key]) }

  def primitive_marker

  def attr_keys

  def serialize
    attr_keys.map { |key| [key, send(key)] }.to_h

  def inspect

  def to_s

class Solid < Primitive
  @@attr_keys = %i[x y w h r g b a]

If you do not define serialize, ʻinspect, to_s, the console will be filled with the warning when an error occurs, so it is defined. (I have @@ attr_keys` for that ...)

Then load this from main.rb.


require 'app/primitives.rb'

def tick args
  args.outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: args.grid.center_x - 32, y: args.grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)

Draw a line

As an example other than Solid, let's use Line to draw a crosshair in the middle. It is drawn by adding it to ʻargs.outputs.lines`.

I put ʻoutputs and grid in variables because it is troublesome to hit ʻargs every time.


class Line < Primitive
  @@attr_keys = %i[x y x2 y2 r g b a]


require 'app/primitives.rb'

def tick args
  outputs, grid = args.outputs, args.grid

  outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: grid.center_x - 32, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)

  outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
  outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)
Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 23.53.59.png

It was confirmed that the square could be drawn in the center of the left and right.

Games are also classified

Before the tick method gets complicated, classify the game itself.


require 'app/primitives.rb'

class Game
  attr_accessor :state, :outputs, :grid

  def tick

  def output
    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: grid.center_x - 32, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)

    outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
    outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)

  def serialize

  def inspect

  def to_s
$game = Game.new

def tick args
  $game.state = args.state
  $game.outputs = args.outputs
  $game.grid = args.grid

There is a helper called ʻattr_gtk, but I used ʻattr_accessor here because I wanted to access state etc. directly.

Move with keyboard

Use the left and right cursor keys to move the square (player).

The information you want to keep across frames is stored in the state. Keyboard input can be detected by ʻinputs.keyboard.key name. (It seems that you can pick up the hold by ʻinputs.keyboard.key_held.key name, but I don't use it)

The following changes have been made to main.rb.


 require 'app/primitives.rb'
 class Game
-  attr_accessor :state, :outputs, :grid
+  attr_accessor :state, :outputs, :grid, :inputs
   def tick
+    set_defaults
+    handle_inputs
+    update_state
+  def set_defaults
+    state.player_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
+    state.player_dx ||= 0
+  end
+  def handle_inputs
+    if inputs.keyboard.right
+      state.player_dx = 5
+    elsif inputs.keyboard.left
+      state.player_dx = -5
+    else
+      state.player_dx = 0
+    end
+  end
+  def update_state
+    state.player_x += state.player_dx
+  end
   def output
-    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: grid.center_x - 32, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)
+    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.player_x, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)
@@ -26,12 +50,13 @@ class Game

 $game = Game.new
 def tick args
   $game.state = args.state
   $game.outputs = args.outputs
   $game.grid = args.grid
+  $game.inputs = args.inputs

Now you can move the rectangle.


Make an enemy

Add a gray Solid that moves from side to side. I haven't used any new elements.


   def set_defaults
     state.player_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
     state.player_dx ||= 0
+    state.enemy_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
+    state.enemy_dx ||= 5
   def update_state
     state.player_x += state.player_dx
+    state.enemy_x += state.enemy_dx
+    if state.enemy_x < 0 || state.enemy_x > grid.w - 64
+      state.enemy_dx *= -1
+    end
   def output
     outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.player_x, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)
+    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.enemy_x, y: grid.h * 0.7, w: 64, h: 64, r: 150, g: 150, b: 150)

     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)


Shoot bullets

You can add an entity with state.new_entity. It is a way to give information to an entity and use that information to display it on the screen with Solid etc. (I think it can be done without an entity, but since it is prepared, I will use it.)

I use key_up to prevent it from being shot by holding it down.

Also, when the bullet reaches the edge of the screen, it is flagged as dead and deleted. (If there is a dead flag, it will be reject)


   def set_defaults
     state.player_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
     state.player_dx ||= 0
     state.enemy_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
     state.enemy_dx ||= 5
+    state.bullets ||= []
   def handle_inputs
     if inputs.keyboard.right
       state.player_dx = 5
     elsif inputs.keyboard.left
       state.player_dx = -5
       state.player_dx = 0
+    if inputs.keyboard.key_up.space
+      state.bullets << state.new_entity(:bullet) do |bullet|
+        bullet.y = player_rect[:y]
+        bullet.x = player_rect[:x] + 16
+        bullet.size = 32
+        bullet.dy = 10
+        bullet.solid = { x: bullet.x, y: bullet.y, w: bullet.size, h: bullet.size, r: 255, g: 100, b: 100 }
+      end
+    end

   def update_state
     state.player_x += state.player_dx
     state.enemy_x += state.enemy_dx
     if state.enemy_x < 0 || state.enemy_x > grid.w - 64
       state.enemy_dx *= -1
+    state.bullets.each do |bullet|
+      bullet.y += bullet.dy
+      bullet.solid[:y] = bullet.y
+      if bullet.y > grid.h
+        bullet.dead = true
+      end
+    end
+    state.bullets = state.bullets.reject(&:dead)

   def output
-    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.player_x, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64)
+    outputs.solids << Solid.new(player_rect)
     outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.enemy_x, y: grid.h * 0.7, w: 64, h: 64, r: 150, g: 150, b: 150)
+    outputs.solids << state.bullets.map(&:solid)

     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)
+  private
+  def player_rect
+    { x: state.player_x, y: grid.h * 0.1, w: 64, h: 64 }
+  end


You can now shoot bullets.

Erase the bullet (if it hits the enemy)

You can use ʻintersect_rect` for collision detection.


   def update_state
     state.player_x += state.player_dx
     state.enemy_x += state.enemy_dx
     if state.enemy_x < 0 || state.enemy_x > grid.w - 64
       state.enemy_dx *= -1
     state.bullets.each do |bullet|
       bullet.y += bullet.dy
       bullet.solid[:y] = bullet.y
       if bullet.y > grid.h
         bullet.dead = true
+      if bullet.solid.intersect_rect?(enemy_rect)
+        bullet.dead = true
+      end
     state.bullets = state.bullets.reject(&:dead)
   def output
     outputs.solids << Solid.new(player_rect)
-    outputs.solids << Solid.new(x: state.enemy_x, y: grid.h * 0.7, w: 64, h: 64, r: 150, g: 150, b: 150)
+    outputs.solids << Solid.new(enemy_rect.merge(r: 150, g: 150, b: 150))
     outputs.solids << state.bullets.map(&:solid)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)
+  def enemy_rect
+    { x: state.enemy_x, y: grid.h * 0.7, w: 64, h: 64 }
+  end


It's a little confusing, but when you hit an enemy, the bullet disappears.


If the bullet hits the enemy, it will be +2 points, if it does not hit, it will be -1 point, and the total will be displayed in the upper right.

Use Label to display the text. I used Press Start 2P --Google Fonts to make a dot-like font. (Download and unpack it and place it in mygame / fonts


class Label < Primitive
  @@attr_keys = %i[x y text size_enum alignment_enum font r g b a]


   def set_defaults
     state.player_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
     state.player_dx ||= 0
     state.enemy_x ||= grid.center_x - 32
     state.enemy_dx ||= 5
     state.bullets ||= []
+    state.score ||= 0
   def update_state
     state.player_x += state.player_dx
     state.enemy_x += state.enemy_dx
     if state.enemy_x < 0 || state.enemy_x > grid.w - 64
       state.enemy_dx *= -1
     state.bullets.each do |bullet|
       bullet.y += bullet.dy
       bullet.solid[:y] = bullet.y
       if bullet.y > grid.h
         bullet.dead = true
+        state.score -= 1
       if bullet.solid.intersect_rect?(enemy_rect)
         bullet.dead = true
+        state.score += 2
     state.bullets = state.bullets.reject(&:dead)
   def output
     outputs.solids << Solid.new(player_rect)
     outputs.solids << Solid.new(enemy_rect.merge(r: 150, g: 150, b: 150))
     outputs.solids << state.bullets.map(&:solid)
+    outputs.labels << Label.new(
+      x: grid.w * 0.99,
+      y: grid.h * 0.98,
+      text: state.score,
+      alignment_enum: 2,
+      font: 'fonts/Press_Start_2P/PressStart2P-Regular.ttf'
+    )
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
     outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)


Now that I have a score, I can play (for the time being).

Use images

I'm lonely if it stays square, so I'll use an image. (The image is the one I drew before, so the quality is that ...)

Place player.png, ʻenemy.png, and bullet.pnginmygame / sprites`.

After that, change the code to use Sprite instead of Solid. I don't need the crosshairs anymore, so I'll erase them.


class Sprite < Primitive
  @@attr_keys = %i[
    x y w h path angle a r g b
    source_x source_y source_w source_h
    flip_horizontally flip_vertically
    angle_anchor_x angle_anchor_y
    tile_x tile_y tile_w tile_h


   def handle_inputs
     if inputs.keyboard.right
       state.player_dx = 5
     elsif inputs.keyboard.left
       state.player_dx = -5
       state.player_dx = 0
     if inputs.keyboard.key_up.space
       state.bullets << state.new_entity(:bullet) do |bullet|
         bullet.y = player_rect[:y]
         bullet.x = player_rect[:x] + 16
         bullet.size = 32
         bullet.dy = 10
-        bullet.solid = { x: bullet.x, y: bullet.y, w: bullet.size, h: bullet.size, r: 255, g: 100, b: 100 }
+        bullet.sprite = { x: bullet.x, y: bullet.y, w: bullet.size, h: bullet.size, r: 255, g: 100, b: 100, path: 'sprites/bullet.png' }
   def update_state
     state.player_x += state.player_dx
     state.enemy_x += state.enemy_dx
     if state.enemy_x < 0 || state.enemy_x > grid.w - 64
       state.enemy_dx *= -1
     state.bullets.each do |bullet|
       bullet.y += bullet.dy
-      bullet.solid[:y] = bullet.y
+      bullet.sprite[:y] = bullet.y
       if bullet.y > grid.h
         bullet.dead = true
         state.score -= 1
-      if bullet.solid.intersect_rect?(enemy_rect)
+      if bullet.sprite.intersect_rect?(enemy_rect)
         bullet.dead = true
         state.score += 2
     state.bullets = state.bullets.reject(&:dead)
   def output
-    outputs.solids << Solid.new(player_rect)
+    outputs.sprites << Sprite.new(player_rect.merge(path: 'sprites/player.png'))
-    outputs.solids << Solid.new(enemy_rect.merge(r: 150, g: 150, b: 150))
+    outputs.sprites << Sprite.new(enemy_rect.merge(r: 150, g: 150, b: 150, path: 'sprites/enemy.png'))
-    outputs.solids << state.bullets.map(&:solid)
+    outputs.sprites << state.bullets.map(&:sprite)
     outputs.labels << Label.new(
       x: grid.w * 0.99,
       y: grid.h * 0.98,
       text: state.score,
       alignment_enum: 2,
       font: 'fonts/Press_Start_2P/PressStart2P-Regular.ttf'
-    outputs.lines << Line.new(x: 0, y: grid.center_y, x2: grid.w, y2: grid.center_y)
-    outputs.lines << Line.new(x: grid.center_x, y: 0, x2: grid.center_x, y2: grid.h)     


Compared to the beginning, it looks a lot like that!


Prepare the metadata. For icon, copy player.png.


devtitle=Hello DragonRuby GTK
gametitle=Hello DragonRuby GTK

I copied dragonruby-publish` but it didn't work for some reason, so Do it in the directory where you downloaded and unzipped DragonRuby. (Refer to the postscript below for how to copy and move)

$ cp mygame/sprites/player.png mygame/metadata/icon.png
$ cp -r mygame/ ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/hello-dragonruby-gtk
$ cd ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos
$ ./dragonruby-publish --only-package hello-dragonruby-gtk

This will output the HTML5 version along with the files for other platforms. (builds/hello-dragonruby-gtk-html5-0.1

If you publish this, you can play it in your browser. It's a big deal, so I put it on GitHub Pages.


Copy and move dragonruby-publish (additional note)

It worked when I copied various things other than dragonruby-publish.

$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/dragonruby-publish .
$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/.dragonruby .
$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/*.png .
$ cp ~/Downloads/dragonruby-macos/open-source-licenses.txt .

$ ./dragonruby-publish --only-package

 There are more things to do `.gitignore`.

#### **`.gitignore`**

# DragonRuby

# Source code

 It is published below.
 (DragonRuby is required separately)


# Impressions

 I was able to play without any big addiction.

 Can it be used in Production? I don't know what it is, but
 It seemed to be usable enough to make a little thing.

 I wanted to do creative coding with Ruby, which I'm used to writing, so can I use it as a tool? I think that.
 (For that purpose, I would like to see the physics engine installed and the drawing enhanced.)

 I will try to find time and touch it again.

# References

 There is no API reference (?), So I searched around while looking around.

 ――Read here first
 ――Read this too
- [DragonRuby Game Toolkit by DragonRuby](https://dragonruby.itch.io/dragonruby-gtk)
 --There is a description such as Entity that is not in the README
- mygame/documantion
 --Solid, Sprite, etc. will explain each element as it is
- samples
 --There are 67 samples (MIT license!)

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