python> udp> echo server

Operation check

CentOS 6.5

I made it with Unity (C #) etc., but it is a python version of the echo server with UDP port. (I made Qiita search)

What was sent to port 6000 is returned.

import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

data =''
address = ''
while True:
		data,address = s.recvfrom(120)
	except socket.error:
		print "from:", address
		print "recvd:", data
		s.sendto("recvd:" + data, address)


$ python
from: ('', 55989)
recvd: aaaaa

Characters such as recvd: aaaaa are echoed back to the UDP source.

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