Ant book in python: Priority queue self-implementation

I tried to write the practice of using the class in a way that I could think of, but is this really O (log n)? (The story of looking at the calculation time properly). It should come out in ascending order.

I'm using python standard list operations here and there, so unfortunately it becomes O (n) there.

def heapsort_one_step(heaplist,child_pos):
    if child_pos == 0:
        return heaplist,0,-1
    child = heaplist[child_pos]
    parent_pos = (child_pos-1)//2
    parent = heaplist[parent_pos]
    if parent > child:
        heaplist[child_pos], heaplist[parent_pos] = parent,child
        return heaplist,parent_pos,1

        return heaplist,parent_pos,-1

def heapsort(heaplist):
    a = 1
    child_pos = len(heaplist)-1
    while a != -1:
        heaplist,child_pos,a = heapsort_one_step(heaplist,child_pos)
    return heaplist

def reconstruct_heap_one_step(heaplist,parent_pos):

    if len(heaplist) == 2:
        heaplist = [min(heaplist),max(heaplist)]
        return heaplist, parent_pos, -1
    if 2*parent_pos+2 > len(heaplist)-1:
        return heaplist, parent_pos,-1
    child1 = heaplist[2*parent_pos + 1]
    child2 = heaplist[2*parent_pos + 2]

    if child1 > child2:
        minchild = child2
        child_pos = 2*parent_pos + 2
        minchild = child1
        child_pos = 2*parent_pos + 1

    if heaplist[parent_pos] > minchild:
        heaplist[child_pos], heaplist[parent_pos] = heaplist[parent_pos],heaplist[child_pos]
        return heaplist, child_pos,1
        return heaplist,child_pos,-1

def reconstruct_heap(heaplist):
    a = 1
    parent_pos = 0
    while a != -1:
        heaplist, parent_pos, a = reconstruct_heap_one_step(heaplist,parent_pos)
    return heaplist

class Heapq:

    def __init__(self,data = []): = data

    def push(self,x): = heapsort(

    def top(self):

    def pop(self):
        if len( !=0:
  [0] =[-1]
   = reconstruct_heap(
            return popval
            print("Queue is empty.")


queue = []
x = Heapq(queue)

import random

for i in range(10):


for i in range(10):

I feel that there is definitely a more concise way of writing.

(Addition) It seems that the default variable that was put in \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ __ for some reason was potentially very dangerous (see comment).

Migrated to python3.6 with Virtual Box + Ubuntu + Anaconda.

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