Spring validation and error code

Data binding annotation

Annotation used in the domain class.

Annotation Description Example
@NumberFormat Converts a string in the specified format to a numeric type. @NumberFormat(pattern="#,###")
@DateTimeFormat Converts a string in the specified format to a date type. @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy/MM/dd")


import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;

public class SignupForm {

  private Date birthday;

Data binding error message

Create messages.properties in the resouces directory and write as follows. There is no need for ** double quotation marks ** after the equal.

pattern Description method Description example
typeMismatch..= typeMismatch.signupForm.age=Please enter a number
typeMismatch.= typeMismatch.age=Please enter a number
typeMismatch.= typeMismatch.int=Please enter a number

List of validation annotations

Annotation used in the domain class.

Classification Annotation Description
Bean Validation @NotNull Check that it is not null
@NotEmpty Check that the string or Collection is not null or empty
@NutBlank Check that the string is not only null, empty string, whitespace
@Max Check if it is less than or equal to the specified value
@Min Check if it is more than the specified value
@Size Check if the length of the string and the size of the Collection are within the specified range
@AssertTrue Check if true
@AssertFale Check if false
@Pattern Check if it matches the specified regular expression
@Email Check if the string is in the form of an email address
Hibernate Validator @Range Check if the value is within the specified range
@Length Check if the length of the string is within the specified range
@CreditCardNumber Check if the string is in credit card number format
@URL Check if the string is in URL format

Differences between NotNull NotEmpty Not Blank

An error will occur at ** NG **.

Annotation null Empty string Blank
@NotNull NG OK OK
@NotEmpty NG NG OK
@NotBlank NG NG NG


//When the classification is Bean Validation
// javax.validation.Import from constraints
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.Email;
import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern;

//Classification is Hibernate Validator
// org.hibernate.validator.Import from constraints
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;

public class SignupForm {
  //Required input, email address format
  private String userId;

  @Length(min=4, max=8)
  private String password;

Validation error message

Add to the same messages.properties as the data binding error message

pattern Description method Description example
..= NotBlank.signupForm.userId=Please enter your user ID
.= NotBlank.uerId=Please enter your user ID
.= NotBlank.java.lang.Sting ≒ required input
= NotBlank=Required input
= require_check=Required

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