[PYTHON] Do not switch with pyenv global!

pyenv global hoge

Even so, the python version did not switch and I wrestled for about an hour. I'm probably the only one who is addicted to this, but I couldn't find such a stupid case even if I googled, so I'll leave it for the time being.

First, pyenv itself is in the home directory, properly in the path.

Install anaconda3 series with pyenv,

pyenv global hoge

When I tried to switch with, it did not switch. Many of the reasons why it doesn't switch are when python refers to the guy on the system.

which python

Confirm with. No problem, going through ~ / .pyenv. Then why doesn't it switch?

First of all, select the version of pyenv

pyenv shell

The PYENV_VERSION environment variable set in. next,

pyenv local

A .python-version file in the current directory that can be set with. next,

pyenv global

A ~ / .pyenv / version file that can be set with. If you don't have everything, system python.

Yes, there was a .python-version file in my home directory for some reason ... I didn't notice it at all ... when did I do it ...?

rm ~/.python-version

Then it was solved ...

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