Create a named Skip List like redis sorted set in Java

Like Redis with ʻO (log (N)) -Add / Delete by name ・ Refer to by index ・ Refer to the score (score range) ・ Refer to by name (This is ʻO (1)(is a lie and is really the access to the hash table)) I wanted to make something that I could do.

Many of the other SkipList implementations do not support access by name / index (the theory that I have not investigated properly), so the index can be taken with ʻO (log (N)) like Redis. And I made it accessible by ʻO (1) even by name. The index is updated when adding / deleting elements in the same way as a segment tree. (I think that is a troublesome place to think about and implement properly. So if it becomes a reference code in such a case.)

Since the actual elements and sentinels are shared on Inteface, there are a lot of getters and setters, and it seems that the amount of code has increased to make it Optional, so the more classic writing style is better. It may be better. I tried to get the range of the score with an iterator. It should be possible to delete it with a range, increment the score of a specific value, etc. by combining it, and for the time being, there is no specific use at this time, so I have not implemented it.

It's not thread safe. However, I feel that Spliterator can be easily created if the reference is divided in the hierarchy above SkipList, so if it is implemented, it will feel good depending on the situation (parallel stream can be returned). I will.

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringJoiner;


public class SkipList<K, E> {

	private final int MAX_HEIGHT;
	private Elements.Row<E> topRow;
	private final Map<K, IElement<E>> map;
	private final Random r;

	int size;

	public SkipList() {

	 * @param size
	 *            The depth of the skip list depends on parameter {@code size}.
	public SkipList(int size) {
		this.MAX_HEIGHT = Math.max(5, (int) Math.log(size));
		topRow = Elements.createInitialRow();
		map = new HashMap<K, IElement<E>>(size);
		r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

	 * insert or overwrite by given element
	 * @param key
	 * @param value
	 * @param score
	public void put(K key, E value, double score) {
		if (map.containsKey(key)) {
		insert(key, value, score);

	 * remove element by key
	 * @param key
	public void remove(K key) {
		IElement<E> elem = map.get(key);

		IElement<E> cursol = elem;
		for (;;) {
			IElement<E> prevRight = cursol.getRight().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveRightElement);
			IElement<E> prevLeft = cursol.getLeft().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveLeftElement);


			int skipNum = cursol.getSkipNum();
			prevRight.incrementSkipNum(skipNum - 1);

			if (cursol.getDown().isPresent()) {
				cursol = cursol.getDown().get();
			} else {

		cursol = elem;
		for (;;) {
			if (!cursol.getUp().isPresent() && !cursol.getRight().isPresent()) {
			if (cursol.getUp().isPresent()) {
				cursol = cursol.getUp().get();
			if (cursol.getRight().isPresent()) {
				cursol = cursol.getRight().get();


	private void insert(K key, E value, double score) {

		int height = randomHeight();

		IElement<E> newRight = getInertPointByScore(score);
		IElement<E> newLeft = newRight.getLeft().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveLeftElement);
		IElement<E> nextBottom;
			IElement<E> newElem = new Element<E>(value, score);
			nextBottom = newElem;
		for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
			int distanceToLeft = nextBottom.getSkipNum();
			for (; !newRight.getUp().isPresent();) {
				if (!newRight.getRight().isPresent()) {
					topRow = Elements.createTopRow(topRow);
					topRow.mostRight.incrementSkipNum(size + 1);
				newRight = newRight.getRight().get();
			newRight = newRight.getUp().get();
			for (; !newLeft.getUp().isPresent();) {
				distanceToLeft += newLeft.getSkipNum();
				newLeft = newLeft.getLeft().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveLeftElement);
			newLeft = newLeft.getUp().get();

			IElement<E> newElem = new Element<E>(value, score);
			newRight.incrementSkipNum(-distanceToLeft + 1);
			nextBottom = newElem;

		for (;;) {
			if (!newRight.getUp().isPresent() && !newRight.getRight().isPresent()) {
			if (newRight.getUp().isPresent()) {
				newRight = newRight.getUp().get();
			if (newRight.getRight().isPresent()) {
				newRight = newRight.getRight().get();
		map.put(key, nextBottom);

	 * get element by key
	 * @param key
	 * @return
	public Optional<E> get(K key) {
		return _get(key).flatMap(elem -> elem.value());

	 * get element by index
	 * @param i
	 * @return
	public Optional<E> at(int i) {
		return _at(i).flatMap(elem -> elem.value());

	 * get index by score
	 * @param score
	 * @return element witch has minimum score bigger than {@code score} 
	public int getIndexByScore(double score) {
		IElement<E> current = topRow.mostLeft;
		int currentPos = 0;
		for (;;) {
			IElement<E> next = current.getRight().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveRightElement);
			if (next.getScore() < score) {
				current = next;
				currentPos += next.getSkipNum();
			if (!current.getDown().isPresent()) {
				return currentPos;
			current = current.getDown().get();
	 * get iterator by score range
	 * @param minScoreInclusive
	 * @param maxScoreExclusive
	 * @return
	public Iterable<E> getIterableByRange(double minScoreInclusive, double maxScoreExclusive){
		int start = getIndexByScore(minScoreInclusive);
		Optional<IElement<E>> elem = _at(start);
			return new Iterable<E>(){
				public Iterator<E> iterator() {
					return 	Collections.emptyIterator();
			elem = elem.get().getDown();
		final Optional<IElement<E>> initialElement = elem;
		return new Iterable<E>(){
			public Iterator<E> iterator(){
				return new Iterator<E>() {
					Optional<IElement<E>> next = initialElement; 
					public boolean hasNext() {
						return next.isPresent() && next.get().value().isPresent() && next.get().getScore() < maxScoreExclusive;

					public E next() {
							throw new IllegalStateException("Illiegal access for an iterator happened."+this.toString());
						E result = next.get().value().get();
						next = next.get().getRight();
						return result;

	private Optional<IElement<E>> _at(int i) {
 		if (i < 0 || i >= size) {
			return Optional.empty();
		int currentPos = -1;
		IElement<E> current = topRow.mostLeft;
		for (;;) {
			IElement<E> next = current.getRight().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveRightElement);
			for (;;) {
				if (currentPos + next.getSkipNum() <= i) {
				current = current.getDown().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveDownElement);
				next = current.getRight().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveRightElement);

			if (currentPos + next.getSkipNum() == i) {
				return Optional.of(next);
			currentPos = currentPos + next.getSkipNum();
			current = next;

	private IElement<E> getInertPointByScore(double score) {
		IElement<E> current = topRow.mostLeft;
		for (;;) {
			IElement<E> next = current.getRight().orElseThrow(() -> SkipListError.ElementMustHaveRightElement);
			if (next.getScore() < score) {
				current = next;
			if (!current.getDown().isPresent()) {
				return next;
			current = current.getDown().get();

	private Optional<IElement<E>> _get(K key) {
		if (map.containsKey(key)) {
			return Optional.of(map.get(key));
		} else {
			return Optional.empty();

	// return 0 with probability 1/2,
	// 1 with probability 1/4,
	// 2 with probability 1/8,
	// 3 with probability 1/16,
	// 4 with probability 1/32,
	// …
	// MAX_HEIGHT with probability 2^(-MAX_HEIGHT)
	private int randomHeight() {
		int bound = 1 << (MAX_HEIGHT - 1);
		int random = r.nextInt(bound);
		int count = 0;
		for (; (random & 1) == 1; count++) {
			random = random >> 1;
		return count + 1;

	String deepToString() {
		StringJoiner lines = new StringJoiner("\n", "{\n", "\n}");
		for (IElement<E> mostLeft = topRow.mostLeft;;) {
			StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ");

			for (IElement<E> current = mostLeft;;) {
				if (!current.getRight().isPresent()) {
				current = current.getRight().get();

			if (!mostLeft.getDown().isPresent()) {
			mostLeft = mostLeft.getDown().get();
		return lines.toString();


class SkipListError extends RuntimeErrorException {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -9054212978445616068L;

	public SkipListError(Error e) {

	public final static SkipListError ElementMustHaveRightElement = new SkipListError(
			new Error("ElementMustHaveRightElement"));
	public final static SkipListError ElementMustHaveLeftElement = new SkipListError(
			new Error("ElementMustHaveLeftElement"));
	public final static SkipListError ElementMustHaveDownElement = new SkipListError(
			new Error("ElementMustHaveDownElement"));
	public final static SkipListError IncrementSkipNumOfLeftSentinelMustNotBeCalled = new SkipListError(
			new Error("IncrementSkipNumOfLeftSentinelMustNotBeCalled"));

interface IElement<E> {
	Optional<IElement<E>> getUp();

	Optional<IElement<E>> getDown();

	Optional<IElement<E>> getLeft();

	Optional<IElement<E>> getRight();

	void setUp(IElement<E> upper);

	void setDown(IElement<E> bottom);

	void setLeft(IElement<E> left);

	void setRight(IElement<E> right);

	Optional<E> value();

	double getScore();

	int getSkipNum();

	void incrementSkipNum(int i);

	String deepToString();

class Element<E> implements IElement<E> {
	IElement<E> upper;
	IElement<E> bottom;
	IElement<E> left;
	IElement<E> right;

	final E _value;
	final double score;

	int skipNum;

	public Element(E _value, double score) {
		this._value = _value;
		this.score = score;

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getUp() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(upper);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getDown() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(bottom);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getLeft() {
		return Optional.of(left);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getRight() {
		return Optional.of(right);

	public Optional<E> value() {
		return Optional.of(_value);

	public void setUp(IElement<E> upper) {
		this.upper = upper;

	public void setDown(IElement<E> bottom) {
		this.bottom = bottom;

	public void setLeft(IElement<E> left) {
		this.left = left;

	public void setRight(IElement<E> right) {
		this.right = right;

	public double getScore() {
		return score;

	public int getSkipNum() {
		return skipNum;

	public void incrementSkipNum(int i) {
		skipNum += i;

	public String deepToString() {
		return String.format("[val: %s. score: %g, skip: %d]", value(), getScore(), getSkipNum());


abstract class SentinelElement<E> implements IElement<E> {
	IElement<E> upper;
	IElement<E> bottom;
	IElement<E> left;
	IElement<E> right;

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getUp() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(upper);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getDown() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(bottom);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getLeft() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(left);

	public Optional<IElement<E>> getRight() {
		return Optional.ofNullable(right);

	public Optional<E> value() {
		return Optional.empty();

	public void setUp(IElement<E> upper) {
		this.upper = upper;

	public void setDown(IElement<E> bottom) {
		this.bottom = bottom;

	public void setLeft(IElement<E> left) {
		this.left = left;

	public void setRight(IElement<E> right) {
		this.right = right;

	static class Left<E> extends SentinelElement<E> {
		public double getScore() {
			return -Double.MAX_VALUE;

		public int getSkipNum() {
			return 0;

		public void incrementSkipNum(int i) {
			throw SkipListError.IncrementSkipNumOfLeftSentinelMustNotBeCalled;

		public String deepToString() {
			return String.format("[LEFT. score: %g, skip: %d]", getScore(), getSkipNum());


	static class Right<E> extends SentinelElement<E> {
		public double getScore() {
			return Double.MAX_VALUE;

		int skipNum;

		public int getSkipNum() {
			return skipNum;

		public void incrementSkipNum(int i) {
			skipNum += i;

		public String deepToString() {
			return String.format("[RIGHT. score: %g, skip: %d]", getScore(), getSkipNum());


class Elements {

	static class Row<E> {
		final IElement<E> mostLeft;
		final IElement<E> mostRight;

		public Row(IElement<E> mostLeft, IElement<E> mostRight) {
			this.mostLeft = mostLeft;
			this.mostRight = mostRight;


	static <A> Row<A> createTopRow(Row<A> currentTopRow) {
		SentinelElement<A> left = new SentinelElement.Left<A>();
		left.bottom = currentTopRow.mostLeft;
		SentinelElement<A> right = new SentinelElement.Right<A>();
		right.bottom = currentTopRow.mostRight;
		left.right = right;
		right.left = left;


		return new Row<A>(left, right);

	static <A> Row<A> createInitialRow() {
		SentinelElement<A> left = new SentinelElement.Left<A>();
		SentinelElement<A> right = new SentinelElement.Right<A>();
		left.right = right;
		right.left = left;

		return new Row<A>(left, right);

   	SkipList<PersonId, Person> list = new SkipList<PersonId,Person>();
   	Person alice = new Person(new PersonName("Alice"),new Priority(10));
   	Person bob = new Person(new PersonName("Bob"),new Priority(20));
   	Person chuck = new Person(new PersonName("Chuck"),new Priority(30));
   	Person dan = new Person(new PersonName("Dan"),new Priority(40));
   	Person erin = new Person(new PersonName("Erin"),new Priority(50));
   	list.put(new PersonId(1),alice,alice.priority.value);
   	list.put(new PersonId(2),bob,bob.priority.value);
   	list.put(new PersonId(3),chuck,chuck.priority.value);
   	list.put(new PersonId(4),dan,dan.priority.value);
   	list.put(new PersonId(5),erin,erin.priority.value);

   	Person franc = new Person(new PersonName("Franc"),new Priority(35));
   	// overwrite alice
   	list.put(new PersonId(1),franc,franc.priority.value);

I was able to get a sorted list safely. It was easier than writing a balanced binary tree. It's an interesting feeling that I can put out a Spliterator, so I wanted to use it someday.

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