I managed to get the Java SE 8 Gold qualification in July 2020! However, the score was not so good, so I am thinking of taking a migration test at the timing when the black book of Java Gold SE 11 comes out to improve my understanding.
With that said, I will look back on this exam for the next exam.
It's a beginner's study method, so I don't think it's suitable for people who are struggling at work. .. .. I hope you will read it warmly on that premise. (Rather, if you make a mistake, please point it out ←
Excerpt from the official. Even if a beginner takes this exam, the experience difference is overwhelming and I think that it has not reached the true intermediate level. However, it's nice to be officially recognized as an intermediate and advanced player.
The Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 8 certification is for intermediate and advanced users who can correctly understand the designer's intentions and implement functions on their own. The purpose is to evaluate the ability to have general-purpose programming knowledge required for Java application development, correctly understand the designer's intentions, and implement functions on their own. To qualify for the Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 8 certification, you must pass the Java SE 8 Programmer II (1Z0-809) exam.
I personally think that the merit of acquiring Java SE Gold is like this.
-[x] Become self-appeal -[x] There is a high possibility that the company will give a reward -[x] Improves the speed of reading the code -[x] The official document gives a feeling of familiarity
You will develop a "study habit" and will also get proof of results. Therefore, I think that it will lead to performance reviews and self-appeal when changing jobs. Furthermore, if the company qualifies for the bounty, the motivation will increase. (I think I paid 100,000 yen at the company before I changed jobs, but I can say that human money doesn't work.
Personally, the best result was that I was less reluctant to read the code and speeded up. Recently, the number of machines requested for code review has increased, which is helpful (๑╹ω╹๑).
If I talk a little about my background first, it looks like this. As a programmer, I'm a beginner for about a year ...
Somehow transition
2006 University training: C language course for about half a year
Training at the time of joining the company in 2008 Java language for about 1 month
June 2019 Programming school Ruby language study started
November 2020 Engineer career change Java study started
January 2020 Passed Java SE8 Silver exam
July 2020 Java SE8 Gold exam passed ← Now here
The reason for the background is that the difficulty level of the exam depends greatly on the background of the examinee.
At the time of the Silver test, "basic ability" was required. The Gold exam gives the impression that "the ability to read the code quickly and accurately" is required.
Therefore, it is estimated that the level of "familiarity" with reading code is significantly different between those who are programming using Java in business and beginners ...
Beginners ... Maybe you have to do your best _ :( ´ ཀ `” ∠):
** Get on the free retake campaign wisely ** The reason is that the "Free Retake Campaign" is regularly held to support the acquisition of qualifications. Considering that one test is 26,600 yen excluding tax (as of July 2020), I think that there is no way to get rid of it for risk hedging, and I think that it will be easier to make a plan somehow. I will.
Looking at the past new news on the official website, it looked like this.
Past campaign period
・ January 07, 2019-May 31, 2019
・ December 02, 2019-May 31, 2020
Excerpt from New News (Archive)
There are other announcements such as campaigns and free seminars, so it may be good to check occasionally. Note: There is no guarantee that it will be held in the future ...
** Sometimes risk is important ** In this exam, I did a risk once. It was because I realized that I wasn't smart enough when I was barely able to do it, but ... (It was a strategic risk, not an escape from reality !! ← You can change your reservation up to 2 times free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the test.
As a general rule, if you tend to procrastinate, make good use of these to get hungry! (Laughs) ← I am
I started studying with enthusiasm about three weeks before the exam. However, it is impossible to reach the passing level with the current schedule two weeks after the start of study! I noticed that and rescheduled one week later (laughs) So, to be precise, it was a four-week study period, and I think it took about 60 to 70 hours in total.
On weekdays, it takes about 1 to 2 hours almost every day. Weekends are about 8 to 12 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. (I used to be a resident of the family restaurant)
The teaching materials used for the exam preparation are as follows. I think you all know it. The supplementary explanation of each teaching material will be carried over to the learning content. ** [Oracle Certification Textbook Java Programmer Gold SE 8 (EXAMPRESS)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3% 83% AB% E8% AA% 8D% E5% AE% 9A% E8% B3% 87% E6% A0% BC% E6% 95% 99% E7% A7% 91% E6% 9B% B8-Java% E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% 9E-Gold-SE-EXAMPRESS / dp / 479814682X / ref = sr_1_4? __ mk_ja_JP =% E3% 82% AB % E3% 82% BF% E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% 8A & dchild = 1 & keywords = Gold + Se + 8 + Java & qid = 1601113806 & sr = 8-4) (purple book) ** Recommendation level: ★★★★ ☆
** [Thorough capture Java SE 8 Gold problem collection [1Z0-809] correspondence](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%BE%B9%E5%BA%95%E6%94%BB% E7% 95% A5-Java-Gold-% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C% E9% 9B% 86-1Z0-809 / dp / 4295000035 / ref = sr_1_1_sspa? __mk_ja_JP =% E3% 82% AB% E3% 82% BF% E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% 8A & dchild = 1 & keywords = Gold + Se + 8Java & qid = 1601113725 & sr = 8-1-spons & psc = 1 & spLa = ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFLS0I4M0NMTTdHUDkmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2MTQxOTFRRTJPUFlXWFFBNFkmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMlY0ODJZSVVMRExNVyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU =) (Kuromoto) ** Recommendation level: ★★★★★
** [Oracle Certification Textbook Java Programmer Gold SE 8 Speedmaster Problem Collection](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3 % 83% AB% E8% AA% 8D% E5% AE% 9A% E8% B3% 87% E6% A0% BC% E6% 95% 99% E7% A7% 91% E6% 9B% B8-Java% E3 % 83% 97% E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% 9E-Gold-SE-% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 94% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% 89% E3% 83% 9E% E3% 82% B9% E3% 82% BF% E3% 83% BC% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C% E9% 9B% 86 / dp / 4798146811 / ref = sr_1_5? __mk_ja_JP =% E3% 82% AB% E3% 82% BF% E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% 8A & dchild = 1 & keywords = Gold + Se + 8 + Java & qid = 1601113806 & sr = 8-5 ) (White book) ** Recommendation level: ★★★ ☆☆
** Java (tm) Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specifications ** Recommendation level: ★★★★★
** Oracle Official-Sample Problem- ** Recommendation level: ★★★★★
** Recommended combination in retrospect ** I got the impression that the combination of ★ 5 introduced above is the minimum. If you can read the Java SE 8 API specifications seriously, I feel that you can cover it with almost this.
(Other learning aids are also introduced at the end, so please refer to them)
Unlike JavaSilver, this time I will introduce the learning order that I actually followed.
① Purple book (flowing other than the mock test) * 1st week
② Kuromoto (this is carefully)
↓ (Repeat one chapter at a time) * 2nd to 3rd weeks
↓ ②-1 [Kuromoto 1 chapter] Solve the problem
↓ ↓
↓ ②-2 Answer matching / answer confirmation
↓ ↓
I will supplement the contents of the flow introduced at the beginning.
Throughout the whole, it is important to "get used to" by repeating the following. -"Remember" functions, arguments, return types, etc. (not memorized .. ・ "Understand" the implementation method and execution result
After all I seemed to hate entering from ignorance, so I entered from purple book. However, since the battle against drowsiness is the main result of the battle, it is recommended that Coco be flushed and rounded up early. I think that the true character of Murasakimoto is demonstrated in retrospective learning after solving a problem. (Even if you read it without "Why?", It ends with a human "Hmm" and you don't really remember it! No doubt! ←
Coco is the main axis of learning. Carefully one chapter at a time, and then lapped about four laps throughout the chapter. The correct answer rate is 40% to 60% for the first time, but 90% or more for the second and subsequent times. In the sense of "memorizing" rather than understanding.
However, the Gold test is NG in this case. The goal is to be able to explain "why this answer?" And "why other answers are useless?"
Therefore, at the end of the second lap, I feel that I have deepened my understanding by organizing the notes for each function such as "Comparable", "Compare", "Executor", "Enum", and functional interface. Also, since you only have to do it once, just writing out the type of the argument and return value for each method that appears in Stream etc. (even if you scribble it in Notepad) will remain in your head and knowledge will be connected.
I summarized it a little on Qiita after taking the exam, but maybe Qiita was good from the beginning. .. ..
** Create an answer spreadsheet **
I made the following answer sheet so that if I make a mistake, I can understand it immediately.
So, if I make a mistake, I check it on the spot ... Murasakimoto, API specifications, and I took the time to move forward.
** Reuse Java SE8 API specification ** There are a lot of methods that say "Nanikore ?!" At first I was looking at the purple book, but in the middle I switched to referring to the API specifications. It would be important to get into the habit of seeing it assuming actual business, and once I got to know the point of view, I'm glad that there was more information here.
By looking at the API specification, I feel that I have come to be aware of whether this method is an instance, a default, or an abstract method.
I bought it because I wanted another push. It was a one-question-one-answer format and was suitable for casual reading during commuting hours.
However, my personal impression is that I am trying to solve similar problems that I want to see in Kumon by changing hands and changing products, and the difficulty level is a little lower than other books. There is a new awareness, and if you can afford it, there is no loss in doing it, but it seems that it was not a book for "push just before the test".
Therefore, if it is just before, I think it is more effective to focus on organizing and understanding the contents of the Kuromoto questions.
There is no problem of summer time in Kuromoto, and there is almost no explanation of Optional type. However, even when I took the exam, there were questions about the Optional type and summer time.
Therefore, it is necessary to supplement it with something, but it is just right that the problem of Kore et al. Is posted in the sample problem of Oracle official. (It comes out in purple books, so if you don't use purple books, you should definitely do it.)
Although the content is duplicated, 40 questions are posted, including questions for migration test from another version.
I left it until the very end and took a mock exam just before. I set it aside to measure the level at first glance, but it is miso that I left a mock test of purple books instead of black books. I wonder if the result was 65% below the passing line ... Just before this (laughs) And, the day has come!
The exam will take 150 minutes to solve all 85 questions. It takes less than 2 minutes to solve one question by simple calculation, so there is no time to spare. When I had 30 minutes left, I had 15 questions left, and my head became blank and I didn't have any problems ^^; It's quite painful considering that I had a lot of time when I was using Java Silver.
It is important to remember and understand each process and method as accurately as possible so that you can read and understand them quickly.
I was able to pass the pass line at the very limit of 72% instead of the pass line of 65%!
I think the learning load of acquiring the Gold qualification had a very positive impact on my work. However, I am still a beginner with less than one year of work experience, so I will continue to study for further step-up. And when the Java SE 11 Gold black book is released to produce a visible result, I will take a version migration test and remeasure my proficiency ٩ ('ω') و
And, in both name and reality, as a Java programmer, I will gain skills and experience that are not embarrassing, and I will graduate from the fledgling soon ... (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و✧
In addition to the materials introduced as teaching materials, I also referred to the following! Thanks! !!
** Referenced sites ** Points to note in study methods and exams that passed the oracle Java SE 8 Programmer II (Gold)
** Virtual execution environment ** Paiza.IO beta I can't check the operation of JDBC etc., but I recommend it because you can easily check the operation of functional interface and Stream etc.
→ If you can afford it, you may want to build an environment on your own PC and try various things with the purple book sample program.
** Kuromoto (SE8 Silver) author's Java learning video and online mokumokukai ** We have released a free learning video for Silver / Gold test takers. Personally, it was very easy to understand and it was very helpful. Also, I participated in the Mokumokukai once, but I realized the importance of output again ^^;
**-Not kind to Mr. Kuromoto !? Java: ** https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42DlV-0RDb6fJ8A3IbAang
**-Online Mokumokukai: ** https://javakuro.connpass.com/event/
** Take advantage of Udemy courses ** Java SE 8-Interface / Lambda Expression / Stream Intensive Course Regardless of the qualification acquisition, I bought it on sale and watched it when I started studying Java, but I will introduce it because it seems to be useful for studying for exams. (Because it's expensive, I can't afford it except for the frequent sales lol
** Books that may be helpful ** [Effective Java 3rd Edition (Japanese)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Effective-Java-%E7%AC%AC3%E7%89%88-Joshua-Bloch/dp/4621303252/ref = sr_1_1? __ mk_ja_JP =% E3% 82% AB% E3% 82% BF% E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% 8A & dchild = 1 & keywords = effective + java & qid = 1612229435 & sr = 8-1) The range of Gold is the subject and it seems to be helpful, but the content is too difficult and it may be better to position it as a step-up after acquisition. .. .. I also started reading after getting Gold ... but I don't remember much because the content and Japanese are difficult. ...I will do my best(/ _ ; )
** My Qiita (laughs) ← ** (Java SE8 Gold exam preparation) A memo for those who want to get along with Comparable and Comparator. This is a Qiita article compiled at a later date. For the version migration test ... (this time) I will increase it so please refer to it (Gefgefu)
Unless you get a free ticket at the company or get a subsidy, it's a good expense. If you want to save even a little, it seems that you should buy it at Rakuten.
** Rakuten Ichiba IT Vendor Examination Ticket **
It's a little cheaper than the list price, and if you are a heavy user of Rakuten, you can get a point leverage of 1,000 to 2,000 yen.
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