Java engineers now compare to learn the basic grammar of Ruby Part 1 (Basic, Variables)


I think that if you learn a language with a different idea, it will be quicker to learn by difference, so before you start Rails, let's redo the basic grammar. It is an easy idea to remember by creating something like a cheat sheet.

I think there are various shortages, but please understand that I am only doing what I think is necessary for the time being. Since I often write, I will divide the article.

Tsukkomi is welcome.

environment It is easier to execute in such a case

The version when this was made is as follows. You can check the version from Help.

Ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64-linux] Java openjdk version "12" 2019-03-19


How to write a comment

//For one line

For multiple lines
#For one line

For multiple lines

Everything after this line will be a comment

Processing delimiter

It's about the delimiter when you run it.

String str = "World"; //Processing is separated only by a semicolon
tmp1 = 1 #Basically, line breaks are separated
tmp2 = 2;print("#{tmp1 + tmp2}") #Semicolon is also valid as a delimiter

Standard output

Hello World First from Hello World. Java has a lot of types because you have to create classes. Since Ruby can write processing suddenly, the amount of typing is small.

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

#There seem to be several names, so please refer to the following
print("Hello World")

Variable expansion

You will often see variables. In Java, it is expanded by declaring a format specifier with the printf method and setting a variable. Variable expansion can be used in Ruby, so I will do it.

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "World";
        // System.out.println("Hello" + str)But it is possible.
        System.out.printf("Hello %s", str);

str = "World";
print("Hello #{str}") #{formula(variable)}でvariable展開可能

Variable definition

We've used a few variables above, but here's a description of them. Since Ruby variables are a little complicated, it seems to be troublesome to deal with scope here, so I have not seen it. Due to that influence, I think that it is not possible to cover all the variables of Ruby.

Local variables

Java is a statically typed language, so you need to declare what type the variable is. Since Ruby is a dynamically typed language, you don't need to specify any type. As a rule of Ruby, identifiers starting with lowercase letters or underscores are local variables. It seems that underscores are for variables that are not used, so be careful about that.

String tmp1 = "1";
tmp1 = "1"

Ruby allows variables of different types to be included in variables once declared.

tmp1 = 1

puts("#{tmp1}") #puts is standard output with line breaks

tmp1 = "2"



Java declares with final to prevent rewriting. Generally, it's okay to add static, so add static as well. Since Ruby defines variables that start with English capital letters as constants, it is judged only by the variable name.

public static final String ONE = "1";
ONE = "1"

If you rewrite this variable, the following warning will occur and the program will not work.

warning: already initialized constant ONE

Unlike Java, Ruby constants can be defined at the top level as well. And a constant with the same name can be created in the class. In that case, the priority will decrease as you go from the place of use to the outside.

ONE = "1"

class A
   ONE = "2"
   def print
       p ONE

a =
a.print #This is displayed as 2

p ONE #This is displayed as 1

Global variables

Java does not have global variables in the strict sense. Since everything needs to belong to Ojbect, you can create variables that look like the whole, but they are not global variables.

Ruby can be declared as a global variable by prefixing it with $. You can also refer to undeclared global variables, but they will be nil.

$str = "a"

Instance variables

From here on, the complexity of Ruby variables comes out. I understand that instance variables are similar to member variables in Java. Recognition that it is treated in the same way as protected in terms of scope!

Ruby declares variables with @ at the beginning. Unlike Java, it is not declared as a member variable and the reference range is wide (if it is a class instance variable), so if you complicate the class, you will not know where something is happening, so I feel careful. I think it's the right way to keep the class simple instead of not using it, so be careful there.

Also, in the case of Ruby, the reference of the class method (self) and the instance method (without self) are different. Since self feels like a static method, I'm trying to understand that.

public class A {
    protected String str;
class A
  def save(target)
    @str = target;

Class variables

A variable that belongs to a class. It seems to be treated as static in Java, and it affects other class instances.

It's safer not to use this. It only seems to be the cause of chaos.

public class A {
    protected static String str;
class A
  def save(target)
    @@str = target;

Class instance variable

If you declare an instance variable to belong to a class, it becomes a class instance variable and can be referenced only from the class method (self). The difference with instance variables seems to be that they are scoped only from their class methods. If you try to see it from another, it will be treated as an instance variable.

It seems that this is not possible with Java, so it seems that you have to remember that you can also do this.

# Your code here!
class A

  def save(user_name)
    @str = user_name
      @str = user_name

  def self.print
    p @str

  def print
    p @str

a ="aaa")

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