Let's review the language specifications around Python iterators and generators

(I tried to register on the Advent calendar late, but it was already full, so I posted it as a regular article)


There were some things I thought I knew about the language specifications around Python iterators and generators, and there were quite a few features that I had added but didn't know about, so I've summarized them here.

In this article, ʻit is treated as a variable that points to an iterator, and Klassis treated as a user-defined class, unless otherwise specified. Treatx` as a variable pointing to an object.

Basic things

It.next () in Python2, next (it) in Python3

The way to retrieve the next element from an iterator has changed between Python 2 and 3. In Python2 it is ʻit.next ()and in Python3 it isnext (it). If you want to implement an iterator-like class yourself, you can implement Klass.next in Python2 and Klass.next` in Python3. (In this article, we will use the Python3 format below.)

An object of a class that implements the method __iter__ that returns an iterator is called an iterable.

For iterable objects, you can create an iterator, such as ʻiter (x). It can also be specified after in in a for statement, or on the right-hand side of the in operator (the in operator will try contains if it exists, or iterif it doesn't). Examples of iterables include list, tuple, dict, str and file objects. The iterator itself is also iterator. Alternatively, the object of the class that implements thegetitemmethod is also iterable. The iterator ʻiter (x)created from an object of a class that does not implement __iter__ and implements __getitem__ isx [0],x [1] each time next is called. It returns, ... and throws aStopIteration exception when ʻIndexError` is thrown.

StopIteration exception when iterator ends

Continue with next (it), and eventually a StopIteration exception will be thrown when the next element is gone. When implementing Klass.__next__, throw aStopIteration exception if there is nothing more to return.

Iterators and generators are different

A "generator" is a function that returns an iterator, similar to a regular function, but with a yield statement. The generator itself is not an iterator. Also, a "generator expression" is an expression that returns an iterator, similar to list comprehensions, but enclosed in parentheses instead of square brackets. iter(it) is it When ʻit is an iterator, ʻiter (it) should return ʻititself. That is, if you implement an iterator you should say something likeKlass .__ iter __ (self): return self. In a for statement, for x in it:andfor x in iter (it): are expected to be equivalent. The following is an example of what happens when ʻit and ʻiter (it)` are different.

it and iter(it)

print(sys.version)  # ==> 3.4.1 (default, May 23 2014, 17:48:28) [GCC]

# iter(it)Returns it
class Klass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = iter('abc')
    def __iter__(self):
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        return next(self.x)

it = Klass()
for x in it:
    print(x)  # ==> 'a', 'b', 'c'

# iter(it)Does not return it
class Klass2(Klass):
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter('XYZ')

it = Klass2()
for x in it:
    print(x)  # ==> 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
print(next(it))  # ==> 'a'

Did you know this?

Iterator in iter (callable, sentinel) format

When iter is called with two arguments, it still returns an iterator, but the behavior is very different. If there are two arguments, the first argument must be a callable object (a function or other object with call methods), not iterable. The iterator returned by this calls callable with no arguments each time it calls next. Throws a StopIteration exception if the returned result is equal to sentinel. If you write it like a generator with pseudo code, it will behave like this.

2-argument iter

def iter_(callable, sentinel):
    while 1:
        a = callable()
        if a == sentinel:
            raise StopIteration
            yield a

Python's Official Document states that it is useful, for example, to read a file until a blank line appears.

Quoted from official documentation

with open('mydata.txt') as fp:
    for line in iter(fp.readline, ''):

Send value to generator generator.send

In the generator v = (yield x) If you write like, you can get the value to v when the generator restarts. If the generator is restarted by normal next, v will be None. If you call the send method instead of next, like gen.send (a), the generator will restart and v will contain a. It then returns if the value is yielded, as it did when calling next, and throws a StopIteration exception if nothing is yielded. The Official Document gives an example of a counter with a value change function.

Quoted from official documentation

def counter(maximum):
    i = 0
    while i < maximum:
        val = (yield i)
        # If value provided, change counter
        if val is not None:
            i = val
            i += 1

By the way. You can't use send suddenly, and you have to do next at least once before you can use send. (TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator.) As you can see from where the sent value goes, if it has never been next, the value goes. Probably because there is no place.

Send an exception to the generator generator.throw

generator.throw(type[, value[, traceback]]) Allows you to raise an exception where the generator was interrupted. If the generator yields any value, it returns it and throws a StopIteration exception if nothing yields. The thrown exception will propagate as is if it is not processed. (Honestly, I can't think of any effective usage)

Close generator generator.close

Raises a GeneratorExit exception where the generator was interrupted. If a GeneratorExit or StopIteration exception is thrown, generator.close () ends there. If any value is returned, a RuntimeError will be raised. If the generator was originally closed, do nothing. Written in pseudo code, it looks like this?

generator.Close-like processing

def generator_close(gen):
    except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
    throw RuntimeError

I can't think of any use for this either. There is no guarantee that it will be called, so you can't write something that is supposed to be called. In addition, I could not find any document that clearly states that, but it seems that a GeneratorExit exception is thrown to the generator when breaking with a for statement.

GeneratorExit exception occurs when breaking with for statement

def gen():
    for i in range(10):
            yield i
        except GeneratorExit:
            print("Generator closed.")

for i in gen():
    break  # ==> "Generator closed." is printed.

[3.3 and later] Delegation syntax to sub-generator

You can return expr sequentially by writing yield from expr (expr is an expression that returns an iterable) in the generator. Without considering send, the following two codes are equivalent.

Delegation to sub-generator

def gen1():
    yield from range(10)
    yield from range(20)

def gen2():
    for i in range(10):
        yield i
    for i in range(20):
        yield i

If there is send, the sent value is passed to the subgenerator.


In Python, iterators are often used, but they often stopped at what they thought they knew about the specification and old knowledge. Therefore, I reviewed the language specifications based on the official documentation. There were quite a few things I didn't know, but to be honest, most of them don't come up with useful uses. If there is something like "There are other specifications like this" or "I use this function like this", please write it in the comment section.

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