If you are always worried about the sticky keyboard during development, we recommend washing your hands with hot water! Android and iOS users will also feel smooth if they wash their hands before playing the game
However, it has the advantage of making your hands smooth. When I searched on the net, it seems to be necessary to be careful as it may cause rough skin. http://www.skincare-univ.com/daily/column/001392/
It's certainly very gentle on my hands, and my hands are smooth. You need to be careful about the amount of usage because the keyboard becomes white.
I often get stuck, so I always drink water while programming.
Refresh effect You can refresh yourself when you go to get water regularly or go to the bathroom.
Consultation effect At that time, the problem may be solved except by talking a little with the person who passed by.
Health benefits I think there are various theories about this, so please refer to various sites, I'm not very aware of this, but I can assure you that it is much healthier than Red Bull Pocari! http://gigazine.net/news/20100301_drinking_water_is_good/
I think coffee is definitely a staple when programming I was drinking 8 cups of coffee a day, looking only for the benefits on the net. There were many disadvantages if the amount was not appropriate, so we shifted to water.
** Appropriate amount of coffee per day [within 4 cups] **
I don't think this is the case at work, but I think sleeping for 10 minutes will greatly improve efficiency.
The environment settings inside the PC are mentioned in other articles, so if you want to program comfortably, please refer to this as well! Convenient Mac apps and settings I use
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