[PYTHON] [Memorandum] What to do when a warning appears after executing pip list

The 9th series of pip has been released, and although I upgraded pip with pip install -U pip, the following warning message is output every time I hit the pip list.

[taka.baya@baya]# pip list                                                                                                                                                               [/Users/taka.baya]
DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.

When I asked google teacher to translate it, it seems that the display format of pip list changes, so it seems that you should specify the display format in the [list] section of pip.conf.

The environment is OS X:10.12.6 python is managed by pyenv.

The location of pip.conf seems to be different depending on the OS type User Guide I found out.

According to the user guide, it seems that the pip config file is in $ HOME / Library / Application Support / pip / on OS X, so I jumped at it immediately.

[taka.baya@baya]# cd $HOME/Library/Application Support/pip/                                                                                              [/Users/taka.baya/Library/Application Support/pip]
cd:cd:1: no such file or directory: Support/pip/ Support/pip

Apparently there is no such folder. After that, when I looked up the directory, it seems that it exists as $ HOME / Library /'Application Support'/ instead of $ HOME / Library / Application Support / on my OS X.

And since the pip directory did not exist, I created it and created pip.conf.

[taka.baya@baya]# mkdir $HOME/Library/'Application Support'/pip/
[taka.baya@baya]# vi pip.conf



After that, I ran pip list

[taka.baya@baya]# pip list                                                                                                                               [/Users/taka.baya/Library/Application Support/pip]
Package          Version
---------------- -------
appdirs          1.4.3

And the error disappeared.

Since I manage python with pyenv, I wondered if I should create pip.conf in /Users/taka.baya/.pyenv/shims/pip at first because I have little knowledge of programming. I couldn't make it.

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