[PYTHON] Candlestick with plotly + Jupyter

Plotly is not so major compared to bokeh. Since plotly has a fushi that is thought to be an online tool, try drawing candlesticks on Jupyter in a local environment.

Below, all are carried out from Jupyter notebook

from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
from plotly.tools import FigureFactory as FF
import pandas as pd
    import Quandl as quandl
except ImportError:
    import quandl as quandl

There is plotly.offline, so if you import this, you can use plotly offline. This data is pulled from Quandl, but for some reason the first Q may be uppercase or lowercase depending on the environment, so it's a painstaking measure. (Please tell me who knows the countermeasures)

#Magic for drawing on jupyter

#Get Nikkei Stock Average from Quadl with Dataframe
df = quandl.get("NIKKEI/INDEX")

#Draw candlestick
fig = FF.create_candlestick(df['Open Price'], df['High Price'], df['Low Price'], df['Close Price'], dates=df.index)

The result looks like this ↓


When you actually execute it with Jupyter and move the cursor to the graph, four values are displayed.

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