[PYTHON] Wercker step to compile Sphinx documentation


As far as I looked it up, there was nothing that looked good, so Sphinx Compile the document Wercker step [jkawamoto / sphinx](https://github.com / jkawamoto / wercker-sphinx-step) was created.

How to use

pip is required to execute jkawamoto / sphinx step. In steps of wercker.yml

- install-packages:
    packages: python-pip

Or use jkawamoto / ghp-box in your box.

The jkawamoto / sphinx step has the following options:

--target: The target of the make command (default is html). --basedir: The path of the directory where the Makefile is located. --packages: A list of PyPi packages needed to run whitespace-separated Sphinx. Pass the theme to be used. --options: Optional arguments to pass to the make command.

If the repository contains requirements.txt, It will automatically pip install -r requirements.txt, so Dependent libraries do not need to be included in packages.


The example actually used in dsargparse is as follows.


box: jkawamoto/ghp-box
    - jkawamoto/sphinx:
        basedir: docs
        packages: sphinx_rtd_theme
    - jkawamoto/ghp-import:
        token: $GIT_TOKEN
        basedir: docs/build/html

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