SetCookie from the client side with OkHttp3


When communicating with Android on the server (HTTP base), there is a request to set the cookie on the Android client side due to the server's convenience, and from the Android side with OkHttp3 ( I thought about how to setCookie.

Library used ok http / 3.6.0


When I searched for a solution already, there were some similar topics, but it was slightly different from what I was looking for (or could not be solved), so I decided to make it myself.

--An example of forcing a set cookie is a method of overwriting with intercept.

--OkHttp3 cookie handling and persistence


I created a helper class called ** OkHttp3CookieHelper **. The following will force the client to set its own cookie. Of course, other cookies issued by the server are also handled. If you need a persistence mechanism, add it. There seems to be no problem with on-memory for the time being.

The code below is platform independent and will work on both Pure Java and Android.

Sample code

		String url = "";

		OkHttp3CookieHelper cookieHelper = new OkHttp3CookieHelper();
		cookieHelper.setCookie(url, "cookie_name", "cookie_value");
		OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()

		Request request = new Request.Builder()

Helper class source code

public class OkHttp3CookieHelper {

	private final Map<String, List<Cookie>> mServerCookieStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Cookie>>();

	private Map<String, List<Cookie>> mClientCookieStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Cookie>>();

	private final CookieJar mCookieJar = new CookieJar() {
		public List<Cookie> loadForRequest(HttpUrl url) {

			List<Cookie> serverCookieList = mServerCookieStore.get(;

			if (serverCookieList == null) {
				serverCookieList = new ArrayList<Cookie>();

			final List<Cookie> clientCookieStore = mClientCookieStore.get(;

			if (clientCookieStore != null) {

			return serverCookieList != null ? serverCookieList : new ArrayList<Cookie>();

		public void saveFromResponse(HttpUrl url, List<Cookie> unmodifiableCookieList) {
			mServerCookieStore.put(, new ArrayList<Cookie>(unmodifiableCookieList));


	public void setCookie(String url, Cookie cookie) {

		final String host = HttpUrl.parse(url).host();

		List<Cookie> cookieListForUrl = mClientCookieStore.get(host);
		if (cookieListForUrl == null) {
			cookieListForUrl = new ArrayList<Cookie>();
			mClientCookieStore.put(host, cookieListForUrl);
		putCookie(cookieListForUrl, cookie);


	public void setCookie(String url, String key, String value) {
		final HttpUrl httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse(url);
		setCookie(url, Cookie.parse(httpUrl, key + "=" + value));

	public void setCookie(HttpUrl httpUrl, String key, String value) {
		setCookie(, Cookie.parse(httpUrl, key + "=" + value));

	public CookieJar cookieJar() {
		return mCookieJar;

	private void putCookie(List<Cookie> storedCookieList, Cookie newCookie) {

		Cookie oldCookie = null;
		for (Cookie storedCookie : storedCookieList) {

			// create key for comparison
			final String oldCookieKey = + storedCookie.path();
			final String newCookieKey = + newCookie.path();

			if (oldCookieKey.equals(newCookieKey)) {
				oldCookie = storedCookie;
		if (oldCookie != null) {


Publication destination

The code is published below


gradle compile 'org.riversun:okhttp3-cookie-helper:1.0.1'



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