100 knocks to learn SwiftUI (and related knowledge). I made it for people who don't know what to do next to the Swift UI tutorial. There are no 100 questions, so I will add them one by one. If you have a better example of the answer, please let me know in the comments. M (_ _) m
Please resize the image to 150✖︎200 size and display it. If the aspect ratios are different, display the margins in red.
Please resize the image to 150✖︎200 size and display it. If the aspect ratio is different, cut off the protruding part and display it.
reference [SwiftUI] How to use images
150✖︎Resize the image to 150 size, cut it out in a circle, and display it with a black frame.
Arrange the images side by side at equal intervals.
Hide NavigationView
Please pass the value at the time of screen transition.
Show Picker
Use TabView to switch screens
Please change the character when Button is pressed.
reference Use scaledToFill (), scaledToFit (), aspectRatio (_: contentMode :), etc. in Swift UI properly
Display alerts in SwiftUI
Please change the color of the text when the Button is pressed. Do not change the color of the image or text in the Button.
Please display the sheet when the numbers are entered. Display an alert when a non-number is entered.
Please change the screen when the text in Button is pressed instead of the text in NavigationLink.
Read more in Swift UI. .. .. Implement a View with buttons.
Please change the screen when the application starts.
Please change the thickness and color of the characters in Text.
Use FunctionBuilder to add a shadow to the View.
Use the ViewModifier to add a shadow to the View.
Please edit the list.
Arrange the views like UICollectionView.
reference Q-Mobile/QGrid
Call the transition source method from the screen transition destination View.
Tap a cell in the list to display an alert.
Implement a common wake-through screen like the one in the image.
Show modals that can't be closed in Swift UI.
View full screen modal.
Add a tappable link in the string.
Hit the Github API (https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=swift&sort=stars&page=1&per_page=30) to display the repository information in the list. Use Closure.
reference Infinite List Scroll with SwiftUI and Combine
Hit the Github API (https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=swift&sort=stars&page=1&per_page=30) to display the repository information in the list. Please use Combine.
reference Infinite List Scroll with SwiftUI and Combine
Hit the Github API (https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=swift&sort=stars&page=1&per_page=30) to display the repository information in the list. If you scroll to the bottom, please get an additional one.
reference Infinite List Scroll with SwiftUI and Combine
Hit the Github API (https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=swift&sort=stars&page=1&per_page=30) to display the repository information in the list. If you scroll to the bottom, please get an additional one.
reference Infinite List Scroll with SwiftUI and Combine
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