Create a demand forecasting algo little by little while playing with mathematical formulas. While touching various mathematics and derailing, I aim for something that will eventually become a dissertation.
The Teylor expansion is expressed by the following formula.
Assume $ x = a + 1 $ in the above equation. Then, it becomes as follows.
If you give $ a $ to this function $ f $, you get $ f $ of $ a + 1 $. In other words, once you have the value of the previous time, it is like predicting the value of the next time. Give a sine curve as a trial. It becomes the following formula.
Let's plot with python.
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
x = arange(100) / 10 * pi
y = sin(x) #Current
n = 1
z =0 #Forecast
for i in range(10):
if ((i + 2) // 2) % 2:
op = 1
op = -1
n *= i if i else 1
if i % 2:
z += op * cos(x) / n
z += op * sin(x) / n
plot(x, y,"r",label="now");plot(x,z,"b", label="pred");legend();show()
The future (blue: pred) at the present (red: now) Since I am predicting, it seems that blue is slightly shifted to the left from red.
This phase shift should be 1, so let's shift the blue by 1.
x2 = arange(100) / 10 * pi + 1 #Shift the phase by 1
plot(x, y,"r",label="now");plot(x2,z,"b", label="pred");legend();show()
It overlapped exactly. I can predict. With arbitrary precision (but only continuously differentiable) as long as the ** functional form ** can be defined It looks like you can predict it. But neither financial data nor purchasing data has a functional system in advance. (I'm glad if I got it), You need to create some kind of predictive model (mathematical formula).
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