Nest modules in Boost.Python

Thing you want to do

Create a module in Boost.Python with a structure equivalent to the Python module (maybe a package to be exact) shown below.

    ├ submodule1/
    │    ├
    │    └
    ├ submodule2/
    │    ├
    │    └

Import is

import mainmodule
from mainmodule.submodule1 import hogehoge  # mainmodule/submodule1/hoge.hogehoge is defined in py
from mainmodule import submodule2

It will be like that.

Who is the target of this article

This article describes a fairly complicated use of Boost.Python. Therefore, it is intended for people who have used Boost.Python at least once.

If you haven't used Boost.Python but are interested in it, click here letsboost :: python Please prepare.

Source of information about what you want to do

I often find a way to nest classes, but I couldn't find nesting modules, so make a note. The original page Packages in Python extension modules

How to do

I think it's faster to see the source code, so it's the source code suddenly.

Declare the outermost module.

    using namespace boost::python;

    object package = scope();
    package.attr("__path__") = "mainmodule";


Function that declares a submodule

void export_submodule1() {
    using namespace boost::python;
    // from mainmodule.submodule1 Allows to be called in the form of import
    object module(handle<>(bp::borrowed(PyImport_AddModule("mainmodule.submodule1"))));
    //from mainmodule import submodule1 can be used
    scope().attr("submodule1") = module;
    //Set scope
    scope scope1 = module;
    //Define various necessary functions and classes
    def("hogehoge", &hogehoge);

How to use

It can be used like a normal Python module, so there is no particular explanation. The import is as shown at the beginning.


Packages in Python extension modules

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