How to perform a specific process when the back button is pressed in Android Fragment

Handle the back button (back key) of the terminal on the Fragment side and perform specific processing!

Initially I wanted to control the back button on the Fragment side, but since it is necessary to override onBackPressed () in Activity and control it, I was able to implement and operate as follows.

The rough flow is as follows

--Override the process when the back button is pressed in Activity --Tell the button press event to return from Activity to Fragment through Interface --Inherit Interface on Fragment side and implement specific processing

First, add the following to the original Activity

    public void onBackPressed() {
        Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("handlingBackPressed");
        if (fragment instanceof OnBackKeyPressedListener) {
            ((OnBackKeyPressedListener) fragment).onBackPressed();

Give findFragmentByTag an appropriate name. Here, "handling BackPressed" is used.

Then create the interface

public interface OnBackKeyPressedListener {
    void onBackPressed();

Next, add the "handlingBackPressed" tag when generating the Fragment you want to control the back button.

fragment = new HogeFragment();
manager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment, "handlingBackPressed").addToBackStack(null).commit();

Inherit the interface created by HogeFragment and add a specific process in onBackPressed ()

public class FavoriteItemListFragment implements OnBackKeyPressedListener {
・ ・ ・ ・
    public void onBackPressed() {
        //Handles back key events and describes necessary processing.
        //For example, display the text in the Toolbar area controlled by Activity.
        TextView leftToolbarText = mContext.findViewById(;

that's all!

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