Example of params using where

This is a complete memorandum. .. .. It's unsightly, but let me post it once. I will fix it later.



has_many :hoges
has_many :hoge_events


belongs_to :user
has_many :hoge_events


belongs_to :user
belongs_to :hoge


The screen (view) has the following links.

①hoge_event ②hoge_event ③hoge_event ④hoge_event

For example, when the user who is currently operating clicks the event details of ③, all the information about ③ is displayed. If you click the event details of ①, you want to display all the information about ①. (It is assumed that params are also passed firmly)


  def show
    @hoge_events = current_user.hoge_events.where(hoge_id: params[:hoge_id])

I was able to display the details for each event on the screen.

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