abstract Factory Pattern

user gets the object using only abstract class and interface By using the Factory Pattern, the user does not need to be aware of the various objects required for the composition of the target object and their combinations. </ Font>

Below is the sample code of the abstract Factory Pattern.

Design Pattarm MENU

The class structure is as follows

class Explanation
Define abstract create method
samFactoryA.class Extend the factory
Generate and combine the parts classes required to compose the target
samFactoryB.class Same as above
interface face1
interface face2
Interface for parts
parts1.class ~ parts4.class Parts class required for the composition of the target product
user(Main.class) Check the operation
  • User Includes the meaning that other developers use this pattern

The sample code below uses two factories Because abstract Factory Pattern makes it easy to create multiple factories There is a feature that improves the convenience of the user


abstract class factory{
  String msg;
  int    len;

  factory(String msg){
    this.msg = msg;
    len =msg.length();

  abstract String create();


class samFactoryA extends factory{
  samFactoryA(String msg){super(msg);}

  String create(){
    String partsA = new partsA().s;
    String partsB = new partsB().s;
    return partsA+super.msg+partsB;


class samFactoryB extends factory{
  samFactoryB(String msg){super(msg);}
  String create(){
    String partsA = new partsA().s;
    String partsB = new partsB().s;
    String partsC = new partsC().s;
    String partsD = new partsD().s;
    return partsA+partsC + super.msg + partsD+partsB;


interface face1{}
class partsA implements face1{String s="<<< ";}
class partsB implements face1{String s=" >>>";}

interface face2{}
class partsC implements face2{String s="[[[ ";}
class partsD implements face2{String s=" ]]]";}


public static void main(String[] args){
  factory f1 = new samFactoryA("Hello java");
  factory f2 = new samFactoryB("HELLO JAVA");

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