[PYTHON] Registrieren Sie mehrere selbst erstellte Stile gleichzeitig in Word

Obwohl dies praktisch ist, können Sie alle Microsoft Word-Stile bei Python registrieren, was äußerst schwierig zu registrieren ist.





Wie ich in Ein anderer Artikel geschrieben habe, verwende ich pywin32, um das aktuell geöffnete Dokument anzusehen und zu verarbeiten (Word VBA-Konstanten sind [hier] Artikel](siehe https://qiita.com/AWtnb/items/b2bcae6c9ab62b649b67 usw.).

Standardmäßig wird ein neuer Stil basierend auf "Formatieren des Absatzes, in dem sich der Cursor zum Zeitpunkt der Ausführung befindet" erstellt. Ich habe Probleme mit der Angabe einer großen Schriftart als Titel am Anfang, daher habe ich das Standardformat "Standard" als Standard verwendet.


import win32com.client

class vb:
    wdLineStyleSingle          = 1
    wdLineWidth050pt           = 4
    wdLineWidth025pt           = 2
    wdLineWidth150pt           = 12
    wdStyleNormal              = -1
    wdStyleTypeCharacter       = 2
    wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly   = 5
    wdStyleTypeTable           = 3
    wdUnderlineThick           = 6
    wdUnderlineDouble          = 3
    wdUnderlineWavyHeavy       = 27
    wdUnderlineDotDotDashHeavy = 26
    wdUnderlineDottedHeavy     = 20
    wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy    = 25
    wdUnderlineDashHeavy       = 23

def colorhex_to_int(colorcode):
    hex = colorcode[1:7]
    r = int(hex[0:2], 16)
    g = int(hex[2:4], 16)
    b = int(hex[4:6], 16)
    return r + g*256 + b*256*256

def add_marker_style(doc, base_style):
    print('creating new marker style...')
    marker_color_table = (
        [1, {"fill":"#f5ff3d", "border":"#1700c2"}],
        [2, {"fill":"#97ff57", "border":"#ff007b"}],
        [3, {"fill":"#5efffc", "border":"#ffaa00"}],
        [4, {"fill":"#ff91fa", "border":"#167335"}],
        [5, {"fill":"#ffca59", "border":"#2f5773"}],
        [6, {"fill":"#d6d6d6", "border":"#0f1c24"}],
    for mkr in marker_color_table:
        marker_style_name = f"myMaker{mkr[0]}"
            marker_style = doc.Styles.Add(marker_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeParagraphOnly)
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat = base_style.ParagraphFormat
            for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth050pt
                marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["border"])
            marker_style.Font = base_style.Font
            marker_style.NextParagraphStyle = base_style
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(mkr[1]["fill"])
            marker_style.ParagraphFormat.OutlineLevel = mkr[0]
            marker_style.QuickStyle = True
            print(f' + "{marker_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{marker_style_name}" ...')

def add_character_style(doc, base_style):
    print('creating new character style...')
    char_color_table = (
        [1, "#ffda0a",vb.wdUnderlineThick],
        [2, "#66bdcc",vb.wdUnderlineDotDashHeavy],
        [3, "#a3ff52",vb.wdUnderlineDottedHeavy],
        [4, "#ff7d95",vb.wdUnderlineDouble],
        [5, "#bf3de3",vb.wdUnderlineDashHeavy],
        [6, "#ff9500",vb.wdUnderlineWavyHeavy],
    for char in char_color_table:
        char_style_name = f"myChar{char[0]}"
            char_style = doc.Styles.Add(char_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeCharacter)
            char_style.Font = base_style.Font
            char_style.Font.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int(char[1])
            char_style.Font.Color = colorhex_to_int("#111111")
            char_style.Font.Underline = char[2]
            char_style.QuickStyle = True
            print(f' + "{char_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{char_style_name}" ...')

def add_table_style(doc, base_style):
    print(f'creating new table style...')
    border_color_table = (
    for tbl in border_color_table:
        table_style_name = f"myTable{tbl[0]}"
            table_style = doc.Styles.Add(table_style_name, vb.wdStyleTypeTable)
            table_style.Font = base_style.Font
            for i in (-4,-3,-2,-1):
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineStyle = vb.wdLineStyleSingle
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).LineWidth = vb.wdLineWidth150pt
                table_style.Table.Borders(i).Color = colorhex_to_int(tbl[1])
                table_style.Table.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = colorhex_to_int("#eeeeee")
            print(f' + "{table_style_name}"')
            print(f'failed to create style "{table_style_name}" ...')

def main():
    wdApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
    if wdApp.Documents.Count < 1:
        if not wdApp.Visible:
        return 0

    doc = wdApp.ActiveDocument
    normalStyle = doc.Styles(vb.wdStyleNormal)

    add_marker_style(doc, normalStyle)
    add_character_style(doc, normalStyle)
    add_table_style(doc, normalStyle)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Anruf von Powershell

Das folgende Cmdlet wird von der Haupt-Powershell erstellt und aufgerufen. Natürlich können Sie es direkt mit "python activeword_set-style.py" aufrufen.

function Set-MyStyleToActiveWordDocumentWithPython {
    if ((Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -EQ "winword").Count -lt 1) {
    $pyCodePath = "{0}\python_code\activeword_set-style.py" -f $PSScriptRoot
    'python -B "{0}"' -f $pyCodePath | Invoke-Expression

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