[PYTHON] Full Stack Engineer Hack Hack Ordner Teil 2


Es scheint, dass DX in der Welt geschrien wird. Ich muss mich auf solche Dinge einlassen. Was soll ich tun, um das zu tun?


Studieren Sie an einer bezahlten Schule im amerikanischsprachigen Raum. Es scheint, dass relativ neue Technologien von unten gelernt werden können. Glauben Sie, dass der Rahmen später rechtzeitig sein wird


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API Development and Documentation LESSON ONE Introduction to APIs

• Describe and explain the definition and use cases of APIs (Application Programming Interface) • Describe and explain how APIs are used to connect application front ends to server backends LESSON TWO LESSON TWO HTTP and Flask Basics

• Describe and explain the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) • Describe and explain the components of an HTTP request • Describe and explain the different HTTP methods (verbs) • Describe and explain HTTP status codes • Request information from a server using cURL and HTTP requests • Install the Python Flask micro application framework • Set up and Configure a Flask application • Create a Flask endpoint (route)

LESSON THREE Endpoints and Payloads • Structure and Organize API Endpoints • Describe and explain Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) • Manage CORS requests using HTTP headers • Manage CORS controls using Flask-CORS • Parse request path and body from an HTTP request • Implement HTTP POST, PATCH and DELETE methods using Flask • Handle application errors using Flask

LESSON FOUR API Testing • Describe and explain the purpose and benefits of API testing • Test a REST API using Flask and unittest • Develop an application iteratively and safely using Test Driven Development (TDD)

LESSON FIVE API Documentation • Read and explore API documentation from a number of API developers • Write effective documentation for your own AP


der Begriff

API Application Programming Interface REST API Siehe Adresse unten https://qiita.com/NagaokaKenichi/items/0647c30ef596cedf4bf2

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