Aktualisieren des Python-Moduls in OSX El Capitan

[Zusammenfassung] Wenn in OSX El Capitan Python "sudo pip --upgrade" fehlschlägt, entfernen Sie eine ältere Version "/ System / Library / Frameworks / Python.framework / Versions / 2.7 / Extras / lib / python /" Dies kann daran liegen, dass Sie es versuchen. In diesem Fall können Sie es umgehen, indem Sie stattdessen "easy_install --upgrade" verwenden.

To manage Python module globally, basically you want to do:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ...

However, pip tries to remove old version when executed with --upgrade. This behavior is also the same on /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/, which is quite annoying with rootless. In this case, easy_install --upgrade can be used as a workaround. Once after upgrading, pip do not complain anymore.


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