[PYTHON] Holen Sie sich WordPress-Beiträge aus der letzten Woche

This is a simple script for fetching a list of your posts for the last seven days, or since the previous Monday. I sometimes use this to generate weekly summary posts over on SD Japan.

It should output to .md file or something, but for now I just copy the output from terminal and bring into Textmate, rendering Markdown with Marked.

Here's the code. Feedback and improvements welcome.

(I'm a beginner programmer, so this code is very ugly and really sucks. I'm mostly just testing out Kobito/Qiita here.)


#!/usr/bin/env python

"""a script for fetching posts from wordpress, and then autogenerating markdown files for end-of-week-posts."""

from __future__ import division
import xmlrpclib
import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#adjust for your own domain
url = 'http://www.example.com/wp/xmlrpc.php'
#input your blog username and pw
myusername = 'USERNAME'
mypassword = 'PASSWORD'
#write tag to fetch
#tag_to_fetch = 'ADD ANY TAG'
category1 = 'SAMPLECATEGORY1'
category2 = 'SAMPLECATEGORY2'
category3 = 'SAMPLECATEGORY3'
category4 = 'SAMPLECATEGORY4'
category5 = 'SAMPLECATEGORY5'

#for weekly roundup posts, figure out date for when the past week started, i.e. last monday
today = datetime.date.today()
last_monday = str(today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday()))
lastmonday_fourdigit = last_monday[5:7] + last_monday[8:10]
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
result = server.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(url, myusername, mypassword, MAX_POSTS)

print """###""", category1
for post in result:
  post_title = post['title']
  post_date = str(post['date_created_gmt'])
  tags = post['mt_keywords']
  categories = post['categories']
  description = post['description']
  desc_minus_image = BeautifulSoup(description).get_text()
  permalink = post['permaLink']
#  if tag_to_fetch in tags and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
  if category1 in categories and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
    print """* [%s](%s)%s/%s"""%(post_title,permalink,post_date[4:6],post_date[6:8])
print ''

print """###""", category2
for post in result:
  post_title = post['title']
  post_date = str(post['date_created_gmt'])
  tags = post['mt_keywords']
  categories = post['categories']
  description = post['description']
  desc_minus_image = BeautifulSoup(description).get_text()
  permalink = post['permaLink']
#  if tag_to_fetch in tags and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
  if category2 in categories and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
    print """* [%s](%s)%s/%s"""%(post_title,permalink,post_date[4:6],post_date[6:8])

print ''

print """###""", category3
for post in result:
  post_title = post['title']
  post_date = str(post['date_created_gmt'])
  tags = post['mt_keywords']
  categories = post['categories']
  description = post['description']
  desc_minus_image = BeautifulSoup(description).get_text()
  permalink = post['permaLink']
#  if tag_to_fetch in tags and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
  if category3 in categories and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
    print """* [%s](%s)%s/%s"""%(post_title,permalink,post_date[4:6],post_date[6:8])

print ''

print """###""", category4
for post in result:
  post_title = post['title']
  post_date = str(post['date_created_gmt'])
  tags = post['mt_keywords']
  categories = post['categories']
  description = post['description']
  desc_minus_image = BeautifulSoup(description).get_text()
  permalink = post['permaLink']
#  if tag_to_fetch in tags and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
  if category4 in categories and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
    print """* [%s](%s)%s/%s"""%(post_title,permalink,post_date[4:6],post_date[6:8])

print ''

print """###""", category5
for post in result:
  post_title = post['title']
  post_date = str(post['date_created_gmt'])
  tags = post['mt_keywords']
  categories = post['categories']
  description = post['description']
  desc_minus_image = BeautifulSoup(description).get_text()
  permalink = post['permaLink']
#  if tag_to_fetch in tags and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
  if category5 in categories and post_date[4:8] >= lastmonday_fourdigit:
    print """* [%s](%s)%s/%s"""%(post_title,permalink,post_date[4:6],post_date[6:8])

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