[PYTHON] Ungefähr 200 Breiten- und Längengraddaten für Krankenhäuser in Tokio

Daten zu json und TSV von etwa 200 Krankenhäusern in Tokio.

Zielkrankenhäuser (Liste der Japan Hospital Association): http://www.hospital.or.jp/shibu_kaiin/?sw=13&sk=1

JSON- und tsv-Daten: https://github.com/HirotakaAseishi/tokyo_hospitalgeodata/tree/master

In Bezug auf die Liste scheint es in Tokio 600 Krankenhäuser zu geben, aber für die 200 Fälle auf der Liste des Krankenhausverbandes in Eile werden der Breiten- und Längengrad manuell unter www.geocoding.jp zusammengefasst. Die Liste der Krankenhausverbände ist geografisch variabel und zumindest wahrscheinlich öffentlich. Ich dachte, das wäre genug und habe sie hier veröffentlicht.


Derzeit ist die Epidemie des Coronavirus in Tokio zu beobachten.

In allen Fällen ist die medizinische Einrichtung (und das medizinische Personal) wichtig Ich habe den obigen Breiten- und Längengrad hastig überprüft, damit er mit d3.js mit verschiedenen Daten überlappt werden kann.

Das neue Koronavirus ist derzeit in Tokio verbreitet, aber selbst wenn nur die Infektionsdaten von vor zwei Wochen gesammelt werden, kann das gesamte Bild zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht gesehen werden, und es ist zu spät, um auf Beweise im Stil der Frequenztheorie zu warten.

Wenn wir Tests durchführen können, die den Bedürfnissen jeder medizinischen Einrichtung entsprechen, können wir eine Situation in der Nähe der Gegenwart erkennen. Es ist keine Zufallsstichprobe, aber ich denke, es ist eine effiziente Möglichkeit, das Gesamtbild zu sehen. Es schützt auch hochtödliches medizinisches Personal und Patienten.

Ich denke, es ist möglich, verschiedene indirekte und unsicherere Daten auf verschiedene Weise zu erfassen, auch wenn die Inspektion nicht durchgeführt werden kann.

		"id": 1,
		"type": "Nationale Krankenhausorganisation",
		"name": "Tokyo Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.ntmc.go.jp/",
		"beds": 741,
		"address": "2 Higashigaoka, Meguro-ku-5-1",
		"lat": 35.626448,
		"lon": 139.666459
		"id": 2,
		"type": "Nationale Krankenhausorganisation",
		"name": "Tokyo Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hosp.go.jp/~tokyo/",
		"beds": 522,
		"address": "3 Takeoka, Kiyose City-1-1",
		"lat": 35.767834,
		"lon": 139.50523
		"id": 3,
		"type": "Nationale Krankenhausorganisation",
		"name": "Murayama Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.murayama-hosp.jp/",
		"beds": 303,
		"address": "Musashi Murayama City Academy 2-37-1",
		"lat": 35.747259,
		"lon": 139.399031
		"id": 4,
		"type": "National University Corporation",
		"name": "Universitätsklinikum für Medizin und Zahnmedizin in Tokio",
		"url": "http://www.tmd.ac.jp/medhospital/",
		"beds": 753,
		"address": "1 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku-5-45",
		"lat": 35.70143,
		"lon": 139.764363
		"id": 5,
		"type": "National University Corporation",
		"name": "Krankenhaus der Universität Tokio",
		"url": "http://www.h.u-tokyo.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 1228,
		"address": "7 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku-3-1",
		"lat": 35.714163,
		"lon": 139.762102
		"id": 6,
		"type": "Unabhängige Organisation für Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Arbeitnehmern in Verwaltungseinrichtungen",
		"name": "Tokyo Labour Disaster Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tokyoh.johas.go.jp/",
		"beds": 400,
		"address": "4 Omori Minami, Ota-ku-13-21",
		"lat": 35.565611,
		"lon": 139.747214
		"id": 7,
		"type": "Nationale F & E-Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Nationales Krebsforschungszentrum Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ncc.go.jp/jp/ncch/",
		"beds": 578,
		"address": "Chuo-ku Tsukiji 5-1-1",
		"lat": 35.665005,
		"lon": 139.767583
		"id": 8,
		"type": "Nationale F & E-Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Nationales Zentrum für globales Gesundheits- und Medizinkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ncgm.go.jp/index.html",
		"beds": 763,
		"address": "1 Toyama, Shinjuku-ku-21-1",
		"lat": 35.702292,
		"lon": 139.716664
		"id": 9,
		"type": "Nationale F & E-Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Nationales Forschungskrankenhaus für Wachstumsmedizin",
		"url": "http://www.ncchd.go.jp/",
		"beds": 460,
		"address": "Setagaya Ward Okura 2-10-1",
		"lat": 35.633399,
		"lon": 139.611529
		"id": 10,
		"type": "Unabhängige Verwaltungsinstitution Regionale Organisation zur Förderung medizinischer Funktionen",
		"name": "Tokyo Kamata Medical Center",
		"url": "http://kamata.jcho.go.jp/",
		"beds": 230,
		"address": "2 Minami Kamata, Ota-ku-19-2",
		"lat": 35.55437,
		"lon": 139.7238
		"id": 11,
		"type": "Unabhängige Verwaltungsinstitution Regionale Organisation zur Förderung medizinischer Funktionen",
		"name": "Tokyo Joto Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://joto.jcho.go.jp/",
		"beds": 130,
		"address": "9 Kamedo, Koto-ku-13-1",
		"lat": 35.695177,
		"lon": 139.846095
		"id": 12,
		"type": "Unabhängige Verwaltungsinstitution Regionale Organisation zur Förderung medizinischer Funktionen",
		"name": "Tokyo Shinjuku Medical Center",
		"url": "http://shinjuku.jcho.go.jp/",
		"beds": 520,
		"address": "5 Tsukudo-cho, Shinjuku-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.703432,
		"lon": 139.742135
		"id": 13,
		"type": "Unabhängige Verwaltungsinstitution Regionale Organisation zur Förderung medizinischer Funktionen",
		"name": "Tokyo Takanawa Hospital",
		"url": "http://takanawa.jcho.go.jp/",
		"beds": 247,
		"address": "Takanawa, Minato-ku 3-10-11",
		"lat": 35.631341,
		"lon": 139.732021
		"id": 14,
		"type": "Unabhängige Verwaltungsinstitution Regionale Organisation zur Förderung medizinischer Funktionen",
		"name": "Tokyo Yamate Medical Center",
		"url": "http://yamate.jcho.go.jp/",
		"beds": 418,
		"address": "3 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku-22-1",
		"lat": 35.704759,
		"lon": 139.699067
		"id": 15,
		"type": "Land (Andere)",
		"name": "Zentrales Krankenhaus der Selbstverteidigungskräfte",
		"url": "http://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/chosp/",
		"beds": 500,
		"address": "1 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku-2-24",
		"lat": 35.64481,
		"lon": 139.683125
		"id": 16,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.jp/ohtsuka/",
		"beds": 508,
		"address": "2 Minami Otsuka, Toyoshima-ku-8-1",
		"lat": 35.72526,
		"lon": 139.732543
		"id": 17,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.cick.jp/",
		"beds": 815,
		"address": "Bunkyo-ku Motokomagome 3-18-22",
		"lat": 35.729843,
		"lon": 139.756393
		"id": 18,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Pediatric Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.jp/shouni/",
		"beds": 561,
		"address": "Fuchu City Musashidai 2-8-29",
		"lat": 35.691802,
		"lon": 139.462225
		"id": 19,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.jp/tmnh/",
		"beds": 304,
		"address": "Fuchu City Musashidai 2-6-1",
		"lat": 35.690557,
		"lon": 139.461285
		"id": 20,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.fuchu-hp.fuchu.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 789,
		"address": "Fuchu City Musashidai 2-8-29",
		"lat": 35.691802,
		"lon": 139.462225
		"id": 21,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.jp/hiroo/",
		"beds": 426,
		"address": "2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku-34-10",
		"lat": 35.646828,
		"lon": 139.721688
		"id": 22,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.jp/matsuzawa/",
		"beds": 898,
		"address": "2 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku-1-1",
		"lat": 35.66678,
		"lon": 139.620278
		"id": 23,
		"type": "Präfekturen",
		"name": "Metropolitan Sumitomo Hospital",
		"url": "http://bokutoh-hp.metro.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 765,
		"address": "Sumida-ku Kotobashi 4-23-15",
		"lat": 35.694594,
		"lon": 139.818958
		"id": 24,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Inagi City Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.inagi.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 290,
		"address": "1171 Daimaru, Inagi City",
		"lat": 35.646872,
		"lon": 139.485143
		"id": 25,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Oume Municipal General Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.mghp.ome.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 529,
		"address": "Oume City Higashi Oume 4-16-5",
		"lat": 35.782502,
		"lon": 139.28118
		"id": 26,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Öffentliches Akira Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.akiru-med.jp/",
		"beds": 305,
		"address": "78 Hikida, Stadt Akiruno-1",
		"lat": 35.732189,
		"lon": 139.272619
		"id": 27,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Öffentliches Showa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kouritu-showa.jp/",
		"beds": 518,
		"address": "8 Hanakoganei, Kodaira City-1-1",
		"lat": 35.731464,
		"lon": 139.503033
		"id": 28,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Öffentliches Fukusei Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.fussahp.jp/",
		"beds": 316,
		"address": "1 Kamihei, Stadt Fukusei-6-1",
		"lat": 35.746974,
		"lon": 139.326844
		"id": 29,
		"type": "Kommunal",
		"name": "Machida Städtisches Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://machida-city-hospital-tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 447,
		"address": "2 Asahimachi, Stadt Machida-15-41",
		"lat": 35.556913,
		"lon": 139.438796
		"id": 30,
		"type": "Lokale unabhängige Verwaltungsbehörde",
		"name": "Tokyo Health and Longevity Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.tmghig.jp/",
		"beds": 550,
		"address": "35 Sakaemachi, Itabashi-ku-2",
		"lat": 35.751787,
		"lon": 139.703303
		"id": 31,
		"type": "Nisseki",
		"name": "Omori Rotes Kreuz Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://omori.jrc.or.jp/",
		"beds": 344,
		"address": "Ota Ward Central 4-30-1",
		"lat": 35.578907,
		"lon": 139.717896
		"id": 32,
		"type": "Nisseki",
		"name": "Entbindungsheim des Roten Kreuzes in Katsushika",
		"url": "http://katsushika.jrc.or.jp/",
		"beds": 113,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Tateishi 5-11-12",
		"lat": 35.742572,
		"lon": 139.846624
		"id": 33,
		"type": "Nisseki",
		"name": "Medizinisches Zentrum des Japanischen Roten Kreuzes",
		"url": "http://www.med.jrc.or.jp/",
		"beds": 708,
		"address": "4 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku-1-22",
		"lat": 35.654524,
		"lon": 139.717985
		"id": 34,
		"type": "Nisseki",
		"name": "Krankenhaus des Roten Kreuzes von Musashino",
		"url": "http://www.musashino.jrc.or.jp/",
		"beds": 611,
		"address": "1 Sakai Minamicho, Musashino City-26-1",
		"lat": 35.697696,
		"lon": 139.547536
		"id": 35,
		"type": "Saiseikai",
		"name": "Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.saichu.jp/",
		"beds": 535,
		"address": "1 Mita, Minato-ku-4-17",
		"lat": 35.654062,
		"lon": 139.74357
		"id": 36,
		"type": "Saiseikai",
		"name": "Tokyo Saiseikai Mukaishima Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.saiseikai-mkj.jp/",
		"beds": 102,
		"address": "1 Hachihiro, Sumida-ku-5-10",
		"lat": 35.720687,
		"lon": 139.822228
		"id": 37,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Kanto Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kanto-ctr-hsp.com/",
		"beds": 403,
		"address": "Setagaya Ward Kamioga 6-25-1",
		"lat": 35.636835,
		"lon": 139.626088
		"id": 38,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Kudanzaka Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kudanzaka.com/",
		"beds": 231,
		"address": "1 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku-6-12",
		"lat": 35.693798,
		"lon": 139.752063
		"id": 39,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Tachikawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tachikawa-hosp.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 493,
		"address": "4 Nishikimachi, Stadt Tachikawa-2-22",
		"lat": 35.69256,
		"lon": 139.422365
		"id": 40,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Tokyo Mutual Aid Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tkh.meguro.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 350,
		"address": "2 Nakameguro, Meguro-ku-3-8",
		"lat": 35.641571,
		"lon": 139.704112
		"id": 41,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Toramon Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.toranomon.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 868,
		"address": "2 Toranomon, Minato-ku-2-2",
		"lat": 35.669009,
		"lon": 139.746173
		"id": 42,
		"type": "Gegenseitige Hilfsverbände und -verbände",
		"name": "Sanjuku Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.mishuku.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 253,
		"address": "5 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku-33-12",
		"lat": 35.642356,
		"lon": 139.68526
		"id": 43,
		"type": "Nationale Krankenversicherungsvereinigung",
		"name": "Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wohlfahrtszentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://kohseichuo.jp/",
		"beds": 320,
		"address": "1 Mita, Meguro-ku-11-7",
		"lat": 35.641464,
		"lon": 139.712549
		"id": 44,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Aisei Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.aisei-byouin.or.jp/",
		"beds": 441,
		"address": "1 Kaga, Itabashi-ku-3-1",
		"lat": 35.753788,
		"lon": 139.721035
		"id": 45,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Itabashi Ward Medical Association Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.itabashi-med.jp/",
		"beds": 192,
		"address": "3 Takashimadaira, Itabashi-ku-12-6",
		"lat": 35.786955,
		"lon": 139.658041
		"id": 46,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Eiju Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.eijuhp.com/index.html",
		"beds": 400,
		"address": "2 Higashi Ueno, Taito-ku-23-16",
		"lat": 35.7097,
		"lon": 139.779703
		"id": 47,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Eiju General Hospital Yanagibashi Branch",
		"url": "http://www.yanagibashihp.com/",
		"beds": 80,
		"address": "2 Yanagibashi, Taito-ku-20-4",
		"lat": 35.698941,
		"lon": 139.789649
		"id": 48,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Ebara Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ebara-hp.ota.tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 506,
		"address": "4 Higashiyukiya, Ota-ku-5-10",
		"lat": 35.593755,
		"lon": 139.693208
		"id": 49,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Okubo Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ohkubohospital.jp/",
		"beds": 304,
		"address": "2 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku-44-1",
		"lat": 35.696697,
		"lon": 139.701143
		"id": 50,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Krebsstudiengruppe Ariake Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.jfcr.or.jp/hospital/",
		"beds": 700,
		"address": "Koto-ku Ariake 3-8-31",
		"lat": 35.634222,
		"lon": 139.794691
		"id": 51,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Kyouundo Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kyoundo.jp/",
		"beds": 198,
		"address": "1 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku-8",
		"lat": 35.698015,
		"lon": 139.763245
		"id": 52,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Sakakibara Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.heart.or.jp/",
		"beds": 320,
		"address": "3 Asahicho, Fuchu-shi-16-1",
		"lat": 35.66635,
		"lon": 139.520228
		"id": 53,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Sanraku Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.sanraku.or.jp/",
		"beds": 270,
		"address": "2 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku-5",
		"lat": 35.699416,
		"lon": 139.761351
		"id": 54,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Krankenhaus des Herz-Kreislauf-Forschungsinstituts",
		"url": "https://www.cvi.or.jp/",
		"beds": 74,
		"address": "Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku 3-2-19",
		"lat": 35.658924,
		"lon": 139.727265
		"id": 55,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Shin Yamate Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.shinyamanote.jp/",
		"beds": 180,
		"address": "3 Stadt Suwa, Stadt Higashimurayama-6-1",
		"lat": 35.770348,
		"lon": 139.462541
		"id": 56,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Drittes Kita Shinagawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://kcmi.or.jp/daisankitashinagawa/",
		"beds": 114,
		"address": "Shinagawa-ku Kita Shinagawa 3-3-7",
		"lat": 35.621322,
		"lon": 139.73886
		"id": 57,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Tamagawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tamagawa-hosp.jp/",
		"beds": 389,
		"address": "4 Seta, Setagaya-ku-8-1",
		"lat": 35.620442,
		"lon": 139.624341
		"id": 58,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Tama Southern Area Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tamanan-hp.com/",
		"beds": 287,
		"address": "2 Nakazawa, Tama City-1-2",
		"lat": 35.622822,
		"lon": 139.414982
		"id": 59,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Northern Tama Medical Center",
		"url": "http://www.tamahoku-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 344,
		"address": "1 Aoba-cho, Higashimurayama-shi-7-1",
		"lat": 35.76074,
		"lon": 139.493331
		"id": 60,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Eastern Regional Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tobu-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 314,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Kameari 5-14-1",
		"lat": 5.766202,
		"lon": 139.844142
		"id": 61,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Toyoshima Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.toshima-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 470,
		"address": "33 Sakaemachi, Itabashi-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.752819,
		"lon": 139.701277
		"id": 62,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Allgemeines Krankenhaus von Nerima",
		"url": "http://www.nerima-hosp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 224,
		"address": "1 Asahioka, Nerima-ku-24-1",
		"lat": 35.733526,
		"lon": 139.67714
		"id": 63,
		"type": "Gesellschaft von öffentlichem Interesse",
		"name": "Doppelkreuzkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.fukujuji.org/",
		"beds": 334,
		"address": "3 Matsuyama, Kiyose City-1-24",
		"lat": 35.771558,
		"lon": 139.512278
		"id": 64,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Akirudai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.akirudai-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 100,
		"address": "6 Akikawa, Stadt Akiruno-5-1",
		"lat": 35.729343,
		"lon": 139.291708
		"id": 65,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Akebono Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.akebono-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 98,
		"address": "1 Nakamachi, Stadt Machida-23-3",
		"lat": 35.549597,
		"lon": 139.445112
		"id": 66,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kozuzawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kenbun.or.jp/",
		"beds": 134,
		"address": "1 Kozuzawa, Itabashi-ku-6-8",
		"lat": 35.772988,
		"lon": 139.700755
		"id": 67,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ikegami Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ikegamihosp.jp/",
		"beds": 384,
		"address": "6 Ikegami, Ota-ku-1-19",
		"lat": 35.572714,
		"lon": 139.704387
		"id": 68,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ikebukuro Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ikebukuro-hp.com/",
		"beds": 96,
		"address": "3 Higashi Ikebukuro, Toyoshima-ku-5-4",
		"lat": 35.731029,
		"lon": 139.717187
		"id": 69,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ishikawajima Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://ishikawajima.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 47,
		"address": "Chuo-ku Tsukuda 2-5-2",
		"lat": 35.667554,
		"lon": 139.785431
		"id": 70,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Itabashi Central General Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.ims-itabashi.jp/",
		"beds": 579,
		"address": "2 Kozuzawa, Itabashi-ku-12-7",
		"lat": 35.775599,
		"lon": 139.69709
		"id": 71,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Isshin Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.isshin.net/",
		"beds": 111,
		"address": "1 Kita Otsuka, Toyoshima-ku-18-7",
		"lat": 35.732796,
		"lon": 139.730151
		"id": 72,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Medizinisches Unternehmen Hakueikai Akabane Central General Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hakueikai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 150,
		"address": "Kita-ku Akabane Minami 2-5-12",
		"lat": 35.773201,
		"lon": 139.723185
		"id": 73,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Iwai Orthopädisches Krankenhaus für Innere Medizin",
		"url": "http://www.iwai.com/iwai-seikei/",
		"beds": 56,
		"address": "8 Minamikoiwa, Edogawa-ku-17-2",
		"lat": 35.733745,
		"lon": 139.884947
		"id": 74,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ukima Central Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hakueikai.or.jp/ukima/",
		"beds": 95,
		"address": "Kita-ku Akabane Kita 2-21-19",
		"lat": 35.784255,
		"lon": 139.703236
		"id": 75,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Eisei Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.eisei.or.jp/",
		"beds": 595,
		"address": "583 Nagita Stadt, Hachioji Stadt-15",
		"lat": 35.639563,
		"lon": 139.305
		"id": 76,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ogi Ohashi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://ougioohashi-hp.webmedipr.jp/",
		"beds": 96,
		"address": "Adachi Ward Fan 1-55-28",
		"lat": 35.76555,
		"lon": 139.771681
		"id": 77,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Ogikubo Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://www.ogikubo-hospital.or.jp/",
		"beds": 252,
		"address": "3 Imagawa, Suginami-ku-1-24",
		"lat": 35.715238,
		"lon": 139.607275
		"id": 78,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Orimoto Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.orimoto.or.jp/",
		"beds": 92,
		"address": "1 Asahigaoka, Stadt Kiyose-261",
		"lat": 35.79091,
		"lon": 139.534074
		"id": 79,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kasai Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://kasai-central-hospital.or.jp/",
		"beds": 57,
		"address": "7 Funabori, Edogawa-ku-10-3",
		"lat": 35.67671,
		"lon": 139.868744
		"id": 80,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kinji Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kanaji.jp/",
		"beds": 38,
		"address": "1 Nakazato, Kita-ku-5-6",
		"lat": 35.67671,
		"lon": 139.868744
		"id": 81,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kanamecho Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kanamecho-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 150,
		"address": "1 Kanamecho, Toyoshima-ku-11-13",
		"lat": 35.733669,
		"lon": 139.699126
		"id": 82,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kamitabashi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.jiseikai.or.jp/kamiitabashi.html",
		"beds": 150,
		"address": "Itabashi-ku Tokiwadai 4-36-9",
		"lat": 35.765361,
		"lon": 139.676413
		"id": 83,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kamio Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.kamio.org/",
		"beds": 30,
		"address": "2 Kanda Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku-25",
		"lat": 35.697004,
		"lon": 139.766688
		"id": 84,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kameari Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kameari-hp.com/",
		"beds": 127,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Kameari 3-36-3",
		"lat": 35.763345,
		"lon": 139.849613
		"id": 85,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hebei Maeda Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.maeda-jp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 117,
		"address": "1 Hontenuma, Suginami-ku-2-1",
		"lat": 35.712694,
		"lon": 139.633064
		"id": 86,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kisen Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kisen.or.jp/",
		"beds": 60,
		"address": "1 Higashikincho, Katsushika-ku-35-8",
		"lat": 35.773007,
		"lon": 139.871156
		"id": 87,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Grace Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.mcs.or.jp/",
		"beds": 120,
		"address": "248 Oazamiya, Hino City",
		"lat": 35.669998,
		"lon": 139.406451
		"id": 88,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Respektiere das Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.keiai-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 54,
		"address": "3 Mukaihara, Itabashi-ku-10-23",
		"lat": 35.744127,
		"lon": 139.681518
		"id": 89,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Keiyo Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.keiyo-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 60,
		"address": "2 Matsue, Edogawa-ku-43-12",
		"lat": 35.702681,
		"lon": 139.87572
		"id": 90,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kabaya Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://koujiya-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 88,
		"address": "3 Minami Kamata, Ota-ku-3-15",
		"lat": 35.553765,
		"lon": 139.728676
		"id": 91,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Kobayashi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kobayashibyoin.com/",
		"beds": 115,
		"address": "Itabashi Ward Narimasu 3-10-8",
		"lat": 35.778451,
		"lon": 139.633981
		"id": 92,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Sakuradai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.keiseikai-group.com/sakuradai/",
		"beds": 86,
		"address": "1 Toyoda Minami, Nerima-ku-20-15",
		"lat": 35.728608,
		"lon": 139.659167
		"id": 93,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Sanno Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.sannoclc.or.jp/hospital/",
		"beds": 79,
		"address": "8 Akasaka, Minato-ku-10-16",
		"lat": 35.669683,
		"lon": 139.727256
		"id": 94,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Shimoi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.shimoi.or.jp/",
		"beds": 60,
		"address": "3 Ayase, Adachi-ku-28-8",
		"lat": 35.765277,
		"lon": 139.828982
		"id": 95,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Zhuang Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.suginami-reha-tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 60,
		"address": "1 Itabashi, Itabashi-ku-41-14",
		"lat": 35.748716,
		"lon": 139.715659
		"id": 96,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Suginami Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.suginami-reha-tokyo.jp/",
		"beds": 101,
		"address": "2 Nishiogikita, Suginami-ku-5-5",
		"lat": 35.704325,
		"lon": 139.60221
		"id": 97,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Suzuki Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.suzuki-hospi.or.jp/",
		"beds": 99,
		"address": "7 Sakaemachi, Nerima-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.737031,
		"lon": 139.670766
		"id": 98,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Seishikai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.seisikai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 152,
		"address": "1 Sakashita, Itabashi-ku-40-2",
		"lat": 35.779627,
		"lon": 139.681044
		"id": 99,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Setagaya Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://setagaya-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 131,
		"address": "1 Setagaya, Setagaya-ku-32-18",
		"lat": 35.641196,
		"lon": 139.65054
		"id": 100,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Zentrales Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.central-hospital.or.jp/",
		"beds": 92,
		"address": "2 Matsuo, Shibuya-ku-18-1",
		"lat": 35.658885,
		"lon": 139.689644
		"id": 101,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Allgemeines Tokio-Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tokyo-hospital.com/",
		"beds": 451,
		"address": "3 Ekoda, Nakano-ku-15-2",
		"lat": 35.727936,
		"lon": 139.663919
		"id": 102,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Sobu Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.sobu-hosp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 326,
		"address": "323 Tobukicho, Stadt Hachioji-1",
		"lat": 35.709661,
		"lon": 139.294614
		"id": 103,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Orthopädisches Krankenhaus Takayama",
		"url": "http://www.takayamaseikei.or.jp/",
		"beds": 48,
		"address": "3 Kanamachi, Katsushika-ku-4-5",
		"lat": 35.766435,
		"lon": 139.871646
		"id": 104,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Takeoka Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.takeoka.or.jp/",
		"beds": 164,
		"address": "2 Takeoka, Kiyose City-3-7",
		"lat": 35.765141,
		"lon": 139.508916
		"id": 105,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Takegawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.takekawa.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 151,
		"address": "2 Sakuragawa, Itabashi-ku-19-1",
		"lat": 35.758806,
		"lon": 139.679136
		"id": 106,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tachikawa Central Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tactis.or.jp/",
		"beds": 115,
		"address": "2 Shibasaki Stadt, Tachikawa Stadt-17-14",
		"lat": 35.695744,
		"lon": 139.407122
		"id": 107,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Neurochirurgisches Krankenhaus Tanaka",
		"url": "http://www.tanaka-nrsg-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 58,
		"address": "3 Süd-Sekimachi, Nerima-ku-9-23",
		"lat": 35.721865,
		"lon": 139.581916
		"id": 108,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tama Hill Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tamakyuryo.or.jp/hospital/",
		"beds": 316,
		"address": "1491 Shimo-Oyamada-cho, Machida-shi",
		"lat": 35.604829,
		"lon": 139.421785
		"id": 109,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tama Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.wafukai.or.jp/tamarb/",
		"beds": 199,
		"address": "Oume Bürgermeister Fuchi 9-1412-4",
		"lat": 35.764746,
		"lon": 139.269703
		"id": 110,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Chofu Higashiyama Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.touzan.or.jp/",
		"beds": 83,
		"address": "2 Kojima-cho, Chofu-shi-32-17",
		"lat": 35.652173,
		"lon": 139.542202
		"id": 111,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Doaikai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.douaikai.jp/",
		"beds": 149,
		"address": "1 Matsushima, Edogawa-ku-42-21",
		"lat": 35.705578,
		"lon": 139.867613
		"id": 112,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tokyo Hygiene Adventist Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tokyoeisei.com/",
		"beds": 186,
		"address": "3 Amanuma, Suginami-ku-17-3",
		"lat": 35.708108,
		"lon": 139.619395
		"id": 113,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tokyo Kamata Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.or.jp/shibu_kaiin/www.t-kamata-hosp.or.jp",
		"beds": 180,
		"address": "7 Nishi Kamata, Ota-ku-10-1",
		"lat": 35.564248,
		"lon": 139.71195
		"id": 114,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tokyo Angel Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.angelcourt.or.jp/",
		"beds": 122,
		"address": "50 Kamiichi Branch Town, Stadt Hachioji-1",
		"lat": 35.684396,
		"lon": 139.28056
		"id": 115,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Toto Bunkyo Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tohtobunkyo-hp.com/",
		"beds": 126,
		"address": "3 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku-5-7",
		"lat": 35.704205,
		"lon": 139.767849
		"id": 116,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Totate Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.touritsu-hosp.com/pc/index.html",
		"beds": 57,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Tateishi 6-38-13",
		"lat": 35.743571,
		"lon": 139.854213
		"id": 117,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Towa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.towa-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 299,
		"address": "Adachi-ku Towa 4-7-10",
		"lat": 35.772636,
		"lon": 139.843787
		"id": 118,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Tokiwadai Chirurgisches Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://tokiwadai-geka.jp/",
		"beds": 99,
		"address": "Itabashi-ku Tokiwadai 2-25-20",
		"lat": 35.76253,
		"lon": 139.690034
		"id": 119,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Toshima Showa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.toshimashowa.or.jp/",
		"beds": 46,
		"address": "5 Minami Nagasaki, Toyoshima-ku-17-9",
		"lat": 35.728864,
		"lon": 139.682263
		"id": 120,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Narumi Wohlfahrtskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://narimasukosei-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 530,
		"address": "1 Sanzono, Itabashi-ku-19-1",
		"lat": 35.788676,
		"lon": 139.639942
		"id": 121,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "New Heart Watanabe Internationales Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://newheart.jp/",
		"beds": 44,
		"address": "3 Hamadayama, Suginami-ku-19-11",
		"lat": 35.683092,
		"lon": 139.629733
		"id": 122,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Nomura Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://www.nomura.or.jp/",
		"beds": 133,
		"address": "Mitaka City Shimorenjaku 8-3-6",
		"lat": 35.685147,
		"lon": 139.56805
		"id": 123,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Gastroenterologisches Krankenhaus Hachioji",
		"url": "http://www.hachiojisyokaki.com/",
		"beds": 98,
		"address": "177 Manmachi, Stadt Hachioji-3",
		"lat": 35.650727,
		"lon": 139.332914
		"id": 124,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hamada Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.obatakai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 22,
		"address": "2 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku-5",
		"lat": 35.699416,
		"lon": 139.761351
		"id": 125,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hanzomon Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.hanzomon.com/",
		"beds": 44,
		"address": "1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku-10",
		"lat": 35.685123,
		"lon": 139.742368
		"id": 126,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Seigaoka Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.hijirigaoka.or.jp/",
		"beds": 48,
		"address": "Tama City Renkoji 2-69-6",
		"lat": 35.639492,
		"lon": 139.453343
		"id": 127,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hinodegaoka Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.hinodehp.com/",
		"beds": 170,
		"address": "310 Okuno, Hinode-cho, Nishitama-gun",
		"lat": 35.742972,
		"lon": 139.246224
		"id": 128,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hiratsuka Magen-Darm-Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ichou.gr.jp/",
		"beds": 40,
		"address": "3 Nishiikebukuro, Toyoshima-ku-2-16",
		"lat": 35.728831,
		"lon": 139.706096
		"id": 129,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Fujisaki Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.fujisaki-hp.com/",
		"beds": 119,
		"address": "1 Minamisago, Koto-ku-25-11",
		"lat": 35.676565,
		"lon": 139.826747
		"id": 130,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Fuji Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://fujihospital.com/",
		"beds": 92,
		"address": "3 Nishigahara, Kita-ku-33-11",
		"lat": 35.745024,
		"lon": 139.738606
		"id": 131,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Fujimi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.fujimi-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 108,
		"address": "14 Yamato-cho, Itabashi-ku-16",
		"lat": 35.760756,
		"lon": 139.705298
		"id": 132,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Fuchu Keijinkai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.fuchu-keijinkai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 217,
		"address": "5 Stadt Sumiyoshi, Stadt Fuchu-21-1",
		"lat": 35.657102,
		"lon": 139.455508
		"id": 133,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Hira Seiseki Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.heisei-tateishi.net/",
		"beds": 203,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Tateishi 5-1-9",
		"lat": 35.742205,
		"lon": 139.842137
		"id": 134,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Umeda Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.migitahosp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 82,
		"address": "1 Akatsukicho, Stadt Hachioji-48-18",
		"lat": 35.668842,
		"lon": 139.340657
		"id": 135,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Mitaka Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://eiju.webmedipr.jp/",
		"beds": 122,
		"address": "Mitaka City Kamerenjaku 5-23-10",
		"lat": 35.694986,
		"lon": 139.552407
		"id": 136,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Minamitama Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.minamitama.jp/",
		"beds": 170,
		"address": "3 Sanada-cho, Hachioji-shi-10-1",
		"lat": 35.655339,
		"lon": 139.312865
		"id": 137,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Minamino Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.eisei.or.jp/minamino",
		"beds": 205,
		"address": "5 Minamino, Stadt Hachioji-30-3",
		"lat": 35.63102,
		"lon": 139.318712
		"id": 138,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Musashino Zentralkrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.musashino-chuou.com/",
		"beds": 306,
		"address": "1 Higashimachi, Stadt Koganei-44-26",
		"lat": 35.693836,
		"lon": 139.529988
		"id": 139,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Musashino Tokushukai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://www.musatoku.com/",
		"beds": 246,
		"address": "3 Mukaidai-cho, West-Tokio-5-48",
		"lat": 35.717483,
		"lon": 139.53324
		"id": 140,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Meguro Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.meguro-hospital.com/",
		"beds": 60,
		"address": "2 Chuo-cho, Meguro-ku-12-6",
		"lat": 35.631921,
		"lon": 139.691134
		"id": 141,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Mejiro Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://mejirohp.jp/",
		"beds": 100,
		"address": "Shinjuku Ward Shimo Ochiai 3-22-23",
		"lat": 35.722402,
		"lon": 139.698952
		"id": 142,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Yasuda Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.yasudahosp.jp/",
		"beds": 46,
		"address": "Itabashi Ward Narimasu 1-13-9",
		"lat": 35.775359,
		"lon": 139.632883
		"id": 143,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Yoyogi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tokyo-kinikai.com/yoyogi/",
		"beds": 150,
		"address": "1 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku-30-7",
		"lat": 35.680855,
		"lon": 139.709679
		"id": 144,
		"type": "Medical Corporation",
		"name": "Königliches Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.mck.or.jp/",
		"beds": 198,
		"address": "4 Shimotakaido, Suginami-ku-6-2",
		"lat": 35.670342,
		"lon": 139.627927
		"id": 145,
		"type": "Spezifizierte medizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Kitatama Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://www.kitatamahospital.net/",
		"beds": 269,
		"address": "4 Chofugaoka, Stadt Chofu-1-1",
		"lat": 35.659608,
		"lon": 139.54386
		"id": 146,
		"type": "Spezifizierte medizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Musashino Yowakai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.or.jp/shibu_kaiin/?sw=13&sk=1",
		"beds": 103,
		"address": "2 Midoricho, Musashino City-1-33",
		"lat": 35.716516,
		"lon": 139.565313
		"id": 147,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Izumi Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.izumikinen.or.jp/",
		"beds": 144,
		"address": "1 Motoki, Adachi-ku-3-7",
		"lat": 35.76099,
		"lon": 139.786346
		"id": 148,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Daejeon Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://othp.c-pronet.jp/",
		"beds": 189,
		"address": "4 Omori Higashi, Ota-ku-4-14",
		"lat": 35.569193,
		"lon": 139.737833
		"id": 149,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Hebei Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://kawakita.or.jp/",
		"beds": 331,
		"address": "1 Asaya Kita, Suginami-ku-7-3",
		"lat": 35.706801,
		"lon": 139.638856
		"id": 150,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Moriyama Medical Association Moriyama Memorial Hospital der Social Medical Corporation",
		"url": "http://mk.moriyamaikai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 275,
		"address": "4-3-1 Kitakasai, Edogawa-ku",
		"lat": 35.672199,
		"lon": 139.861665
		"id": 151,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Erstes Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.daiichi.or.jp/",
		"beds": 136,
		"address": "4 Higashikincho, Katsushika-ku-2-10",
		"lat": 35.772367,
		"lon": 139.876405
		"id": 152,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Tachikawa Mutual Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.t-kenseikai.jp/tachisou/",
		"beds": 287,
		"address": "4 Midoricho, Stadt Tachikawa-1",
		"lat": 35.703575,
		"lon": 139.413365
		"id": 153,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Nagashio Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.nagashio.jp/",
		"beds": 302,
		"address": "1 Ikebukuro, Toyoshima-ku-5-8",
		"lat": 35.735391,
		"lon": 139.713124
		"id": 154,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Higashi Yamato Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.yamatokai.or.jp/higasiyamato/",
		"beds": 284,
		"address": "1 South Street, East Yamato City-13-12",
		"lat": 35.7412,
		"lon": 139.431966
		"id": 155,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Makita Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.makita-hosp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 284,
		"address": "1 Omori Kita, Ota-ku-34-6",
		"lat": 35.586089,
		"lon": 139.727256
		"id": 156,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Makita General Hospital Kamata Branch",
		"url": "http://www.makita-hosp.or.jp/kamata/",
		"beds": 120,
		"address": "4 Nishi Kamata, Ota-ku-22-1",
		"lat": 35.568822,
		"lon": 139.715384
		"id": 157,
		"type": "Sozialmedizinische Gesellschaft",
		"name": "Musashi Murayama Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.yamatokai.or.jp/musasimurayama/",
		"beds": 300,
		"address": "1 Enoki, Musashi Murayama City-1-5",
		"lat": 35.743826,
		"lon": 139.387676
		"id": 158,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.kitasato-u.ac.jp/hokken-hp/",
		"beds": 329,
		"address": "Minato-ku Shirokane 5-9-1",
		"lat": 35.6448,
		"lon": 139.725733
		"id": 159,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Keio Universitätsklinikum",
		"url": "http://www.hosp.keio.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 960,
		"address": "35 Shinano-cho, Shinjuku-ku",
		"lat": 35.681433,
		"lon": 139.71916
		"id": 160,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Internationales Mita-Krankenhaus der Universität für Gesundheit und Soziales",
		"url": "http://mita.iuhw.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 291,
		"address": "1 Mita, Minato-ku-4-3",
		"lat": 35.653698,
		"lon": 139.742477
		"id": 161,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Juntendo-Klinik an der Juntendo University School of Medicine angeschlossen",
		"url": "http://www.juntendo.ac.jp/hospital/",
		"beds": 1032,
		"address": "Hongo, Bunkyo-ku 3-1-3",
		"lat": 35.702405,
		"lon": 139.762606
		"id": 162,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Medizinische Fakultät der Juntendo-Universität Juntendo Tokyo Koto Medical Center für ältere Menschen",
		"url": "http://www.juntendo.gmc.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 404,
		"address": "Koto-ku Shinsago 3-3-20",
		"lat": 35.665352,
		"lon": 139.83364
		"id": 163,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Juntendo University School of Medicine Nerima Krankenhaus",
		"url": "https://www.juntendo.ac.jp/hospital_nerima/",
		"beds": 400,
		"address": "3 Takanodai, Nerima-ku-1-10",
		"lat": 35.742156,
		"lon": 139.614761
		"id": 164,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Universitätsklinikum Showa",
		"url": "http://www.showa-u.ac.jp/SUH/",
		"beds": 815,
		"address": "Shinagawa Ward Flag Stand 1-5-8",
		"lat": 35.608364,
		"lon": 139.703623
		"id": 165,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Holy Road Ka Internationales Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://hospital.luke.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 520,
		"address": "9-1, Akashicho, Chuo-ku",
		"lat": 35.667309,
		"lon": 139.777298
		"id": 166,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Teikyo University School of Medicine Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.teikyo-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 1078,
		"address": "2 Kaga, Itabashi-ku-11-1",
		"lat": 35.759005,
		"lon": 139.713899
		"id": 167,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Medizinische Universität Tokio Medizinisches Zentrum Hachioji",
		"url": "http://hachioji.tokyo-med.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 610,
		"address": "1163 Hachioji City Tatemachi",
		"lat": 35.631318,
		"lon": 139.288055
		"id": 168,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Tokyo Medical University Hospital",
		"url": "http://hospinfo.tokyo-med.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 1015,
		"address": "-7-1",
		"lat": 35.693258,
		"lon": 139.691659
		"id": 169,
		"type": "",
		"name": "",
		"url": "http://www.jikei.ac.jp/hospital/honin/",
		"beds": 1075,
		"address": "-19-18",
		"lat": 35.663568,
		"lon": 139.751326
		"id": 170,
		"type": "",
		"name": "",
		"url": "http://www.twmu.ac.jp/info-twmu/",
		"beds": 1379,
		"address": "Privatschulunternehmen Tokyo Jiekai Medical University Hospital Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku 3 Privatschulunternehmen Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital 8 Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.69702,
		"lon": 139.719905
		"id": 171,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Toho University Medical Center Omori Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.omori.med.toho-u.ac.jp/",
		"beds": 934,
		"address": "6 Omori Nishi, Ota-ku-11-1",
		"lat": 35.568931,
		"lon": 139.724109
		"id": 172,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Japan Dental University Hospital",
		"url": "http://dent-hosp.ndu.ac.jp/nduhosp/",
		"beds": 42,
		"address": "2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku-3-16",
		"lat": 35.700011,
		"lon": 139.744994
		"id": 173,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Japan Medical University Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.or.jp/shibu_kaiin/?sw=13&sk=1",
		"beds": 897,
		"address": "1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku",
		"lat": 35.721143,
		"lon": 139.758969
		"id": 174,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Itabashi Krankenhaus, Medizinische Fakultät, Nihon Universität",
		"url": "http://www.med.nihon-u.ac.jp/hospital/itabashi/",
		"beds": 1025,
		"address": "30 Otaniguchi Uemachi, Itabashi-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.749564,
		"lon": 139.691647
		"id": 175,
		"type": "Private Schulgesellschaft",
		"name": "Universitätsklinikum Nihon",
		"url": "http://www.nihon-u.ac.jp/hospital/",
		"beds": 320,
		"address": "1 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku-6",
		"lat": 35.697346,
		"lon": 139.762752
		"id": 176,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Asoka Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://hp.asokakai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 254,
		"address": "1 Sumiyoshi, Koto-ku-18-1",
		"lat": 35.689926,
		"lon": 139.811889
		"id": 177,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Edogawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.edogawa.or.jp/",
		"beds": 418,
		"address": "2 Higashi Koiwa, Edogawa-ku-24-18",
		"lat": 35.728473,
		"lon": 139.893084
		"id": 178,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Edogawa Hospital Takasago Branch",
		"url": "http://www.takasago-hp.jp/t_top/takasago_top.html",
		"beds": 99,
		"address": "Katsushika Ward Nishimizumoto 4-5-1",
		"lat": 35.793662,
		"lon": 139.845542
		"id": 179,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Edogawa Medicare Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.or.jp/shibu_kaiin/www.katayama-hospital.com/",
		"beds": 150,
		"address": "2 Higashi Matsumoto, Edogawa-ku-14-12",
		"lat": 35.720265,
		"lon": 139.881562
		"id": 180,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Kugayama Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kugayama-hp.org/",
		"beds": 199,
		"address": "2 Kitakarayama, Setagaya-ku-14-20",
		"lat": 35.681475,
		"lon": 139.598969
		"id": 181,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Sakuramachi Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.seiyohanekai.or.jp/sakuramachi-hp/",
		"beds": 199,
		"address": "1 Sakuramachi, Stadt Koganei-2-20",
		"lat": 35.70989,
		"lon": 139.511593
		"id": 182,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Umfassendes medizinisches Versorgungszentrum für körperlich und geistig behinderte Kinder",
		"url": "http://www.ryouiku-net.com/",
		"beds": 256,
		"address": "1 Komone, Itabashi-ku-1-10",
		"lat": 35.747385,
		"lon": 139.682685
		"id": 183,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Krankenhaus Unserer Lieben Frau",
		"url": "https://www.seibokai.or.jp/",
		"beds": 154,
		"address": "Shinjuku Ward Naka Ochiai 2-5-1",
		"lat": 35.719919,
		"lon": 139.694364
		"id": 184,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Allgemeines Mütter- und Kindergesundheitszentrum Aiiku Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.aiiku.net/",
		"beds": 160,
		"address": "1 Shibaura, Minato-ku-16-10",
		"lat": 35.645958,
		"lon": 139.752468
		"id": 185,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Doai Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.doai.jp/",
		"beds": 403,
		"address": "Sumida Ward Yokoami 2-1-11",
		"lat": 35.699569,
		"lon": 139.794168
		"id": 186,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Tokyo White Cross Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.t-hakujuji.or.jp/",
		"beds": 125,
		"address": "2 Stadt Suwa, Stadt Higashimurayama-26-1",
		"lat": 35.770984,
		"lon": 139.463579
		"id": 187,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Nippori Uemiya Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.jyogu.com/nippori/",
		"beds": 81,
		"address": "2 Higashi Nippori, Arakawa-ku-29-8",
		"lat": 35.728676,
		"lon": 139.785086
		"id": 188,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Mitsui Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.mitsuihosp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 482,
		"address": "1 Kanda Izumicho, Chiyoda-ku",
		"lat": 35.699084,
		"lon": 139.778469
		"id": 189,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Nandai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://minamidaihp.jp/",
		"beds": 140,
		"address": "1 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira-shi-485",
		"lat": 35.728184,
		"lon": 139.440266
		"id": 190,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Angrenzendes Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://tokyoyurin-hospital.com/",
		"beds": 251,
		"address": "2 Funabashi, Setagaya-ku-15-38",
		"lat": 35.650992,
		"lon": 139.61914
		"id": 191,
		"type": "Sozialhilfegesellschaft",
		"name": "Ryokufuso Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://ryokufuusou.com/",
		"beds": 199,
		"address": "3 Hagiyama Stadt, Higashimurayama Stadt-31-1",
		"lat": 35.74425,
		"lon": 139.46754
		"id": 192,
		"type": "Medizinische Genossenschaft",
		"name": "Oji Genossenschaftskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://oujiseikyo-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 159,
		"address": "Kita-ku Toyoshima 3-4-15",
		"lat": 35.760226,
		"lon": 139.744192
		"id": 193,
		"type": "Medizinische Genossenschaft",
		"name": "Tokyo Kensei Hospital",
		"url": "http://thoken.or.jp/kensei/",
		"beds": 126,
		"address": "4 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku-3-8",
		"lat": 35.724521,
		"lon": 139.736004
		"id": 194,
		"type": "Medizinische Genossenschaft",
		"name": "New Watato Memorial Nakano Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.nakanosogo.or.jp/",
		"beds": 296,
		"address": "Nakano-ku Chuo 4-59-16",
		"lat": 35.702504,
		"lon": 139.667103
		"id": 195,
		"type": "Unternehmen",
		"name": "Isuzu Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://isuzu-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 20,
		"address": "6 Minami-Oi, Shinagawa-ku-21-10",
		"lat": 35.589575,
		"lon": 139.732681
		"id": 196,
		"type": "Unternehmen",
		"name": "NTT East Kanto Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/kmc/",
		"beds": 594,
		"address": "5 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku-9-22",
		"lat": 35.631307,
		"lon": 139.72558
		"id": 197,
		"type": "Unternehmen",
		"name": "JR Tokyo Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.jreast.co.jp/hospital/index.html/",
		"beds": 448,
		"address": "2 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku-1-3",
		"lat": 35.685464,
		"lon": 139.700149
		"id": 198,
		"type": "Unternehmen",
		"name": "Tokyu Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.tokyu-hospital.jp/",
		"beds": 135,
		"address": "3 Kitasenbun, Ota-ku-27-2",
		"lat": 35.607532,
		"lon": 139.685963
		"id": 199,
		"type": "Unternehmen",
		"name": "Kommunikationskrankenhaus Tokio",
		"url": "http://www.hospital.japanpost.jp/tokyo/",
		"beds": 461,
		"address": "2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku-14-23",
		"lat": 35.697582,
		"lon": 139.743255
		"id": 200,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Akabane Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.akabane-rh.jp/",
		"beds": 234,
		"address": "6 Akabane Nishi, Kita-ku-37-12",
		"lat": 35.770318,
		"lon": 139.706138
		"id": 201,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Kamata Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kamata-rh.net/index.php",
		"beds": 180,
		"address": "4 Omori Nishi, Ota-ku-14-5",
		"lat": 35.572496,
		"lon": 139.720587
		"id": 202,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Kiyose-Krankenhaus der Heilsarmee",
		"url": "http://kiyosehp.salvationarmy.or.jp/",
		"beds": 142,
		"address": "1 Takeoka, Kiyose City-17-9",
		"lat": 35.769926,
		"lon": 139.506669
		"id": 203,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Heilsarmee Stand Memorial Hospital",
		"url": "http://boothhp.salvationarmy.or.jp/",
		"beds": 199,
		"address": "1 Wada, Suginami-ku-40-5",
		"lat": 35.690519,
		"lon": 139.66021
		"id": 204,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Klinische Forschung Tokyo Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.crht.jp/",
		"beds": 50,
		"address": "3 Haramachi, Shinjuku-ku-87-4 NT-Gebäude 3F",
		"lat": 35.69773,
		"lon": 139.723412
		"id": 205,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Wohlfahrtshaus Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kouseisou.jp/",
		"beds": 243,
		"address": "1547 Wada, Tama City",
		"lat": 35.646735,
		"lon": 139.431725
		"id": 206,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Koganei Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.koganei-rh.net/",
		"beds": 220,
		"address": "1 Stadt Maehara, Stadt Koganei-3-2",
		"lat": 35.688937,
		"lon": 139.512298
		"id": 207,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Gotanda Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.gotanda-reha.com/",
		"beds": 240,
		"address": "8 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku-8-20",
		"lat": 35.621657,
		"lon": 139.720723
		"id": 208,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Komazawa Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.komazawa-hp.jp/",
		"beds": 95,
		"address": "2 Komazawa, Setagaya-ku-2-15",
		"lat": 35.633942,
		"lon": 139.660436
		"id": 209,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Seiseikai Zweites Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.shiseikai-daini-hosp.jp/",
		"beds": 305,
		"address": "Setagaya Ward Kamiso Shitani 5-19-1",
		"lat": 35.656429,
		"lon": 139.591587
		"id": 210,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Josai Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.johsai-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 99,
		"address": "2 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku-42-11",
		"lat": 35.70796,
		"lon": 139.614559
		"id": 211,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Niwakai Allgemeines Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.jinwakai.jp/",
		"beds": 157,
		"address": "4 Myojin-cho, Hachioji-shi-8-1",
		"lat": 35.658252,
		"lon": 139.341521
		"id": 212,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Tokyo Police Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.keisatsubyoin.or.jp/",
		"beds": 415,
		"address": "4-22 Nakano, Nakano-ku-1",
		"lat": 35.709121,
		"lon": 139.659359
		"id": 213,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Tokyo Musashino Hospital",
		"url": "http://www.tmh.or.jp/",
		"beds": 619,
		"address": "4 Komone, Itabashi-ku-11-11",
		"lat": 35.747142,
		"lon": 139.674687
		"id": 214,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Harajuku Rehabilitationskrankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.harajuku-reha.com/",
		"beds": 332,
		"address": "6 vor Jingu, Shibuya-ku-26-1",
		"lat": 35.666874,
		"lon": 139.702473
		"id": 215,
		"type": "Andere Unternehmen",
		"name": "Ritsusho Yuseikai angegliedertes Yusei-Krankenhaus",
		"url": "http://www.kosei-hp.or.jp/",
		"beds": 340,
		"address": "2 Wada, Suginami-ku-25-1",
		"lat": 35.690181,
		"lon": 139.655795

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