Strukturmuster in Python

Decorator Decorators are great tools to add additional features to an existing object without using subclassing.

from functools import wraps

def make_blink(function):
	"""Defines the decorator"""

	#This makes the decorator transparent in terms of its name and docstring

	#Define the inner function
	def decorator():
		#Grab the return value of the function being decorated
		ret = function() 

		#Add new functionality to the function being decorated
		return "<blink>" + ret + "</blink>"

	return decorator

#Apply the decorator here!
def hello_world():
	"""Original function! """

	return "Hello, World!"

#Check the result of decorating

#Check if the function name is still the same name of the function being decorated

#Check if the docstring is still the same as that of the function being decorated

Proxy Proxy comes in handy when creating an object that is very resource-intensive. It can postpone object creation unless it's absolutely necessary by creating a placeholder.

import time

class Producer:
	"""Define the 'resource-intensive' object to instantiate!"""
	def produce(self):
		print("Producer is working hard!")

	def meet(self):
		print("Producer has time to meet you now!")

class Proxy:
	""""Define the 'relatively less resource-intensive' proxy to instantiate as a middleman"""
	def __init__(self):  
		self.occupied = 'No'
		self.producer = None

	def produce(self):
		"""Check if Producer is available"""
		print("Artist checking if Producer is available ...")

		if self.occupied == 'No':
			#If the producer is available, create a producer object!
			self.producer = Producer()

			#Make the prodcuer meet the guest!
			#Otherwise, don't instantiate a producer 
			print("Producer is busy!")

#Instantiate a Proxy
p = Proxy()

#Make the proxy: Artist produce until Producer is available

#Change the state to 'occupied'
p.occupied = 'Yes'

#Make the Producer produce

Adapter This is used when the interfaces are incompatible between a client and a server.

class Korean:
	"""Korean speaker"""
	def __init__(self): = "Korean"

	def speak_korean(self):
		return "An-neyong?"

class British:
	"""English speaker"""
	def __init__(self): = "British"	

	#Note the different method name here!
	def speak_english(self):
		return "Hello!"	

class Adapter:
	"""This changes the generic method name to individualized method names"""

	def __init__(self, object, **adapted_method):
		"""Change the name of the method"""
		self._object = object

		#Add a new dictionary item that establishes the mapping between the generic method name: speak() and the concrete method
		#For example, speak() will be translated to speak_korean() if the mapping says so

	def __getattr__(self, attr):
		"""Simply return the rest of attributes!"""
		return getattr(self._object, attr)
#List to store speaker objects
objects = []

#Create a Korean object
korean = Korean()

#Create a British object
british =British()

#Append the objects to the objects list
objects.append(Adapter(korean, speak=korean.speak_korean))
objects.append(Adapter(british, speak=british.speak_english))

for obj in objects:
	print("{} says '{}'\n".format(, obj.speak()))

Composite The composite design pattern maintains a tree data structure to represent part-whole relationships. Here we like to build a recursive tree data structure so that an element of the tree can have its own sub-elements.

class Component(object):
	"""Abstract class"""

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

	def component_function(self):

class Child(Component): #Inherits from the abstract class, Component
	"""Concrete class"""

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

		#This is where we store the name of your child item! = args[0]

	def component_function(self):
		#Print the name of your child item here!

class Composite(Component): #Inherits from the abstract class, Component
	"""Concrete class and maintains the tree recursive structure"""

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

		#This is where we store the name of the composite object = args[0]

		#This is where we keep our child items
		self.children = []

	def append_child(self, child):
		"""Method to add a new child item"""

	def remove_child(self, child):
		"""Method to remove a child item"""

	def component_function(self):

		#Print the name of the composite object

		#Iterate through the child objects and invoke their component function printing their names
		for i in self.children:

#Build a composite submenu 1
sub1 = Composite("submenu1")

#Create a new child sub_submenu 11
sub11 = Child("sub_submenu 11")
#Create a new Child sub_submenu 12
sub12 = Child("sub_submenu 12")

#Add the sub_submenu 11 to submenu 1
#Add the sub_submenu 12 to submenu 1

#Build a top-level composite menu
top = Composite("top_menu")

#Build a submenu 2 that is not a composite
sub2 = Child("submenu2")

#Add the composite submenu 1 to the top-level composite menu

#Add the plain submenu 2 to the top-level composite menu

#Let's test if our Composite pattern works!

Bridge The bridge pattern helps untangle an unnecessary complicated class hierarchy, especially when implementation specific classes are mixed together with implementation-indendent classes. So our problem here is that there are two parallel or orthogonal abstractions. One is implementation-specific, and the other one is implementation-independent.

class DrawingAPIOne(object):
	"""Implementation-specific abstraction: concrete class one"""
	def draw_circle(self, x, y, radius):
		print("API 1 drawing a circle at ({}, {} with radius {}!)".format(x, y, radius))

class DrawingAPITwo(object):
	"""Implementation-specific abstraction: concrete class two"""
	def draw_circle(self, x, y, radius):
		print("API 2 drawing a circle at ({}, {} with radius {}!)".format(x, y, radius))

class Circle(object):
	"""Implementation-independent abstraction: for example, there could be a rectangle class!"""

	def __init__(self, x, y, radius, drawing_api):
		"""Initialize the necessary attributes"""
		self._x = x
		self._y = y
		self._radius = radius
		self._drawing_api = drawing_api

	def draw(self):
		"""Implementation-specific abstraction taken care of by another class: DrawingAPI"""
		self._drawing_api.draw_circle(self._x, self._y, self._radius)

	def scale(self, percent):
		self._radius *= percent

#Build the first Circle object using API One
circle1 = Circle(1, 2, 3, DrawingAPIOne())
#Draw a circle

#Build the second Circle object using API Two
circle2 = Circle(2, 3, 4, DrawingAPITwo())
#Draw a circle

More Design Patterns in Python

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