[GO] Ich möchte gleichzeitig einen Musik-Player erstellen und Musik ablegen

Letztes Mal konnte ich mit Go Musik spielen https://qiita.com/usk81/items/8590172a23bb71e21329

Normalerweise öffne ich mit Nico Dou zwei Browser-Registerkarten und spiele das gleiche Lied zur gleichen Zeit mit verschiedenen Sängern und spiele ein Duett, also dachte ich, ich könnte es mit einem Programm machen.


// package main plays two audio file
package main

import (


func main() {
    f, err := os.Open("test.mp3")
    if err != nil {
    st, format, err := mp3.Decode(f)
    if err != nil {
    defer st.Close()

    speaker.Init(format.SampleRate, format.SampleRate.N(time.Second/10))

    done := make(chan bool)
    speaker.Play(beep.Seq(st, beep.Callback(func() {
        done <- true

Untersuchen Sie den Lautsprechercode

// Package speaker implements playback of beep.Streamer values through physical speakers.
package speaker

import (


var (
	mu      sync.Mutex
	mixer   beep.Mixer
	samples [][2]float64
	buf     []byte
	context *oto.Context
	player  *oto.Player
	done    chan struct{}

// Init initializes audio playback through speaker. Must be called before using this package.
// The bufferSize argument specifies the number of samples of the speaker's buffer. Bigger
// bufferSize means lower CPU usage and more reliable playback. Lower bufferSize means better
// responsiveness and less delay.
func Init(sampleRate beep.SampleRate, bufferSize int) error {
	defer mu.Unlock()


	mixer = beep.Mixer{}

	numBytes := bufferSize * 4
	samples = make([][2]float64, bufferSize)
	buf = make([]byte, numBytes)

	var err error
	context, err = oto.NewContext(int(sampleRate), 2, 2, numBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to initialize speaker")
	player = context.NewPlayer()

	done = make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case <-done:

	return nil

// Close closes the playback and the driver. In most cases, there is certainly no need to call Close
// even when the program doesn't play anymore, because in properly set systems, the default mixer
// handles multiple concurrent processes. It's only when the default device is not a virtual but hardware
// device, that you'll probably want to manually manage the device from your application.
func Close() {
	if player != nil {
		if done != nil {
			done <- struct{}{}
			done = nil
		player = nil

// Lock locks the speaker. While locked, speaker won't pull new data from the playing Stramers. Lock
// if you want to modify any currently playing Streamers to avoid race conditions.
// Always lock speaker for as little time as possible, to avoid playback glitches.
func Lock() {

// Unlock unlocks the speaker. Call after modifying any currently playing Streamer.
func Unlock() {

// Play starts playing all provided Streamers through the speaker.
func Play(s ...beep.Streamer) {

// Clear removes all currently playing Streamers from the speaker.
func Clear() {

// update pulls new data from the playing Streamers and sends it to the speaker. Blocks until the
// data is sent and started playing.
func update() {

	for i := range samples {
		for c := range samples[i] {
			val := samples[i][c]
			if val < -1 {
				val = -1
			if val > +1 {
				val = +1
			valInt16 := int16(val * (1<<15 - 1))
			low := byte(valInt16)
			high := byte(valInt16 >> 8)
			buf[i*4+c*2+0] = low
			buf[i*4+c*2+1] = high



var (
	mu      sync.Mutex
	mixer   beep.Mixer
	samples [][2]float64
	buf     []byte
	context *oto.Context
	player  *oto.Player
	done    chan struct{}

Geht es nicht nur darum, eine Struktur und eine Methode zu erstellen?

Versuchen Sie, eine geänderte Version zu erstellen

package speaker

import (


type Player struct {
	mu      sync.Mutex
	mixer   beep.Mixer
	samples [][2]float64
	buf     []byte
	context *oto.Context
	player  *oto.Player
	done    chan struct{}

// Init initializes audio playback through speaker. Must be called before using this package.
// The bufferSize argument specifies the number of samples of the speaker's buffer. Bigger
// bufferSize means lower CPU usage and more reliable playback. Lower bufferSize means better
// responsiveness and less delay.
func Init(sampleRate beep.SampleRate, bufferSize int) (p *Player, err error) {
	p = &Player{}
	defer p.mu.Unlock()


	p.mixer = beep.Mixer{}

	numBytes := bufferSize * 4
	p.samples = make([][2]float64, bufferSize)
	p.buf = make([]byte, numBytes)

	p.context, err = oto.NewContext(int(sampleRate), 2, 2, numBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to initialize speaker")
	log.Print("before NewPlayer")
	p.player = p.context.NewPlayer()
	log.Print("before NewPlayer")

	p.done = make(chan struct{})
	log.Print("make channel")

	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case <-p.done:

	return p, nil

// Close closes the playback and the driver. In most cases, there is certainly no need to call Close
// even when the program doesn't play anymore, because in properly set systems, the default mixer
// handles multiple concurrent processes. It's only when the default device is not a virtual but hardware
// device, that you'll probably want to manually manage the device from your application.
func (p *Player) Close() {
	if p.player != nil {
		if p.done != nil {
			p.done <- struct{}{}
			p.done = nil
		p.player = nil

// Lock locks the speaker. While locked, speaker won't pull new data from the playing Stramers. Lock
// if you want to modify any currently playing Streamers to avoid race conditions.
// Always lock speaker for as little time as possible, to avoid playback glitches.
func (p *Player) Lock() {

// Unlock unlocks the speaker. Call after modifying any currently playing Streamer.
func (p *Player) Unlock() {

// Play starts playing all provided Streamers through the speaker.
func (p *Player) Play(s ...beep.Streamer) {

// Clear removes all currently playing Streamers from the speaker.
func (p *Player) Clear() {

// update pulls new data from the playing Streamers and sends it to the speaker. Blocks until the
// data is sent and started playing.
func (p *Player) update() {

	// buf := p.buf
	for i := range p.samples {
		for c := range p.samples[i] {
			val := p.samples[i][c]
			if val < -1 {
				val = -1
			if val > +1 {
				val = +1
			valInt16 := int16(val * (1<<15 - 1))
			low := byte(valInt16)
			high := byte(valInt16 >> 8)
			p.buf[i*4+c*2+0] = low
			p.buf[i*4+c*2+1] = high


Ich habe versucht zu implementieren

// package main plays two audio file
//   failure: oto.NewContext can be called only once
package main

import (



func main() {
	f1, err := os.Open("test1.mp3")
	if err != nil {
	st1, format, err := mp3.Decode(f1)
	if err != nil {
	defer st1.Close()

	sp1, err := speaker.Init(format.SampleRate, format.SampleRate.N(time.Second/10))
	if err != nil {

	done1 := make(chan bool)

	f2, err := os.Open("test2.mp3")
	if err != nil {
	st2, format, err := mp3.Decode(f2)
	if err != nil {
	defer st2.Close()

	sp2, err := speaker.Init(format.SampleRate, format.SampleRate.N(time.Second/10))
	if err != nil {

	done2 := make(chan bool)

	sp1.Play(beep.Seq(st1, beep.Callback(func() {
		done1 <- true
	sp2.Play(beep.Seq(st2, beep.Callback(func() {
		done2 <- true

Ja, das funktioniert nicht

oto: NewContext can be called only once

Der "oto" -Kontext, von dem der Piepton abhängt, scheint keine Parallelität zu unterstützen, daher konnte ich das nicht. Dieses Mal mache ich jeden Tag etwas, also werde ich diese Schicht aufgeben.

Ich habe es vorerst mit Python versucht.

from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.playback import play

#Load an audio file
audio1 = "test1.mp3"
audio2 = "test2.mp3"

sound1 = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio1)
sound2 = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio2)

combined = sound1.overlay(sound2)

Es bewegte sich! !!

Irgendwie bedauerlich ... (`; ω; ´)


Es ist nicht möglich, die Position zu Beginn des Gesangs anzupassen. Bitte passen Sie sie an, indem Sie mit einer Musikbearbeitungssoftware spielen.

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