"Honjo Konjac" is a translation program for English dissertations created by cabernet_rock. If you throw the URL of the paper, it will output a PDF file in which the original text and its Japanese translation are parallel **, including the figures **. The following article summarizes how it works and how to install it in an easy-to-understand manner. However, there are some points that I have installed and I am a little clogged up, and there are a few hurdles for those who are not accustomed to operating the wet main terminal, so I will describe the installation method for those who open the terminal for the first time. Eat "Honjo Konjac" and read the dissertation Let's use "real translation konjac".
PC: MacBook Pro 2020 OS: macOS Catalina (10.15.5) shell: zsh (5.7.1)
Since the version of python installed from the beginning on mac is old (2 series), install the latest version (3 series) (Reference: [Python3 installation (Mac version)](Python3 installation (Mac version))) ..
First, download the pkg file from the Official Site. As of September 4, 2020, 3.8.5 was the latest version. Double-click the downloaded pkg file to install it. Basically, there is no problem with "continue".
Open a terminal to see if it was installed. The terminal is in Applications → Utilities.
When the terminal starts, type "python3". If the message "Python 3.8.5" (the value here varies depending on the version) is displayed, the installation is successful.
wkhtmltopd is a program for creating PDF from HTML. Please download the one that matches your PC from the Official Download Site.
Double-click the downloaded pkg file to install it. Basically, there is no problem with "continue". After installation, open a terminal and enter the following command. If "google.pdf" is created, the installation is successful.
#Same content as the author's article
wkhtmltopdf http://google.com google.pdf
ChromeDriver is a google chrome WebDriver. WebDriver is software required to operate the browser programmatically, and it seems that it is necessary when outputting the translation result in html in Konjac (I do not understand the mechanism around here). I think other browsers are fine, but I will use google chrome according to the author's article (if you do not have goole chrome, please install it). See: Python + Selenium goes through all the automatic operations of Chrome
Download the Chrome Driver from the Official Site.
Please note that ** download the same version ** as the google chrome installed on your PC. You can check the version of google chrome in Settings (icon with 3 "・" in the upper right corner of the browser arranged vertically) → "About Chrome".
The zip file will be downloaded, so unzip it (double-click on Mac). Copy the unzipped files to ** a folder in your path **.
"Passing through the path" may be difficult to understand unless you are accustomed to operating the terminal. Simply put, in order for a computer to run software, it needs to know ** where it is **. ** It is an operation to make the computer remember the path (= path) to that place **.
To check the location of your PATH on your PC, execute the following command in the terminal.
echo $PATH
You should see something like "/ usr / local / bin" or "/ usr / bin" (":" is a place separator). You can copy it somewhere, but for now, let's go through the path to the Downloads folder in your new home. Execute the following command in the terminal.
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/Downloads' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Then type "echo $ PATH" again and the Downloads folder will be added to your PATH. Copy the unzipped Chrome Driver into this. After that, enter "chrome driver" in the terminal, and if the following message appears, it is in the PATH.
Install selenium and check if Chrome Driver works fine.
#Same content as the author's article
pip3 install selenium
>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>> driver = webdriver.Chrome()
>>> driver.get("https://www.python.org")
>>> driver.save_screenshot('screenshot.png')
True is displayed and selenium can be installed successfully. The Chrome Driver seems to work fine too.
Finally, install the translation konjac.
pip3 install Translation-Gummy
#Same content as the author's article
>>> from gummy import TranslationGummy
>>> gummy = TranslationGummy(gateway="useless", translator="deepl")
>>> pdfpath = gummy.toPDF(url="https://www.nature.com/articles/ncb0800_500", path="sample.pdf", delete_html=True)
>>> print(pdfpath)
I tried to translate, but I got an error with "pdf path = gummy.toPDF (url =" https://www.nature.com/articles/ncb0800_500 ", path =" sample.pdf ", delete_html = True)" became.
When I read the error message, it seems that there is no package called "punkt". "Please use the NLTK Downloader" is displayed, so try running it.
import nltk
[nltk_data] Error loading Punkt: <urlopen error [SSL:
[nltk_data] CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed
However, I got an error again. A google search for the error message found a solution (NLTK download SSL: Certificate verify failed). Execute the following command on python3.
import nltk
import ssl
_create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
I will try again.
#Same content as the author's article
>>> from gummy import TranslationGummy
>>> gummy = TranslationGummy(gateway="useless", translator="deepl")
>>> pdfpath = gummy.toPDF(url="https://www.nature.com/articles/ncb0800_500", path="sample.pdf", delete_html=True)
>>> print(pdfpath)
This time it went well.
I was able to translate successfully! Wonderful!
I install konjak with pip, but it seems that it is not good to mix pip and conda environment (I do not understand exactly how bad it is. Reference: conda and pip: danger of mixing //onoz000.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/02/11/142347)). Therefore, I created a virtual environment for konjac using a package called ** venv ** and run it on the virtual environment. venv comes with python3 from the beginning.
Creating a virtual environment
mkdir directory#Creating a directory that uses the virtual environment
cd directory#Move to a directory that uses the virtual environment
python3 -m venv virtual environment name
Enter the virtual environment
source Virtual environment name/bin/activate
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