[LINUX] uname option-meaning by display order-


GNU commands: GNU core utilities version 8.26

uname command overview

I investigated the uname command used when logging in to a Linux server. uname is one of GNU Coreutils with the "Display information about the system" command.

Option meaning and display order

The meanings of the options are summarized according to the display order when multiple options or the ‘-a’ option is specified.

Display order Display information option meaning Remarks
1 kernel-name -s Display kernel name The OS name and kernel name are the same depending on the OS(FreeBSD, HP-UX etc.), There is something different(GNU/Linux,Solaris etc.)
2 nodename -n Display the host name of the network node. It is often used as a substitute for hostname in the field (hostname allows you to change the host name, so it means to avoid poca)
3 kernel-release -r Display the release name of the kernel.
4 kernel-version -v Display the kernel version.
5 machine -r Display the hardware name of the machine. Sometimes called a hardware class or hardware type
6 processor -p Show processor type If the information cannot be obtained, it is displayed as ‘unknown’. GNU/Not portable even between Linux distributions.
7 hardware-platform -i Display the name of the hardware platform If the information cannot be obtained, it is displayed as ‘unknown’. GNU/Not portable even between Linux distributions.
8 operating-system -p Display the name of the operating system.

What you see on your processor or hardware-platform seems to depend on your architecture and processor. As for the source of uname (written in C), even if you ask me to return the processor, there is nothing I can do if each processor returns a different one.


By the way, the official manual says as follows, and it's hard to see what is separated by a space somewhere. I'm saying something like that.

If multiple options or the ‘-a’ option is specified, the selected information will be displayed in the following order.

kernel-name nodename kernel-release kernel-version machine processor hardware-platform operating-system

 Quoted from [GNU Coreutils Official Manual](https://linuxjm.osdn.jp/info/GNU_coreutils/coreutils-ja.html)

## References
 -[GNU Coreutils Official Manual](https://linuxjm.osdn.jp/info/GNU_coreutils/coreutils-ja.html)
 -[MaiZure's Projects (a site that decrypts the GNU Coreutils source code)](https://www.maizure.org/projects/decoded-gnu-coreutils/uname.html)

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