[LINUX] Try mounting DataCore vFilO Share with NFS4.2 (pNFS)

I'll try it right away.

Preparation and confirmation of vFilO

Confirmation of IP address

First, check the vFilO side. Cluster floating IPs: [,] Mount with the IP in this line. The second address is management, so I won't use it.

[email protected]> cluster-view
Name:                                      CLUSTER3
State:                                     High Availability
Cluster floating IPs:                      [,]
Portal floating IPs:                       []
Since:                                     2019-12-04 08:27:26 UTC
Timezone:                                  Asia/Tokyo
VVOL support:                              true
EULA accepted date:                        2019-12-04 08:29:26 UTC
Online activation support:                 true
License expiration date:                   2020-01-03 08:27:26 UTC
NAS volume capacity:                       [Total: 959.7GB, Used: 6.8GB, Free: 952.9GB]
Share space (quota):                       [Total: 1TB, Used: 0B, Free: 1TB]
Data directors:
                         [Object type: DATA_SPHERE, Node name: anvil4.datacore.jp, Role: SECONDARY, Oper state: UP, Admin state: UP]
                         [Object type: DATA_SPHERE, Node name: anvil3.datacore.jp, Role: PRIMARY, Oper state: UP, Admin state: UP]

[email protected]>

This configuration and node list

By the way, in this cluster, Anvil's metadata is attached by VNMe, and DSX's data is attached by passing raw SSD. All network interfaces are SR-IOV and show the VF of 25Gb NIC directly. vSwitch is not through.

[email protected]> node-list
total 6
Name:                    anvil4.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741829
ID:                      f0b912a2-4a39-5a6a-98e3-57fd9b371664
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Name:                    anvil3.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741832
ID:                      be9d4b3a-3db8-5231-abda-f551a9481425
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Name:                    dsx1-1.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741836
ID:                      eb6da562-672f-5a0e-a2aa-7793bfad5ce4
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Name:                    dsx2-1.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741840
ID:                      b460f7e9-19b5-5d2f-b9e7-765d60468438
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Name:                    dsx1-2.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741845
ID:                      04ef7678-a610-52ff-8fda-873c5cbfc4ab
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Name:                    dsx2-2.datacore.jp
Type:                    Product
Internal ID:             1073741861
ID:                      035fead9-9f57-5be7-9de9-48db15f81990
HW state:                OK
Node state:              MANAGED
Node mode:               ONLINE
Management IP: 
SW version:              4.2.1-41

Confirm Share

Make it appropriately with GUI. This time I chose ** share1 **.

Confirmation command

[email protected]> share-list --name share1
ID:                         9eb6084e-98d1-4995-a2c1-1d1385476f76
Name:                       share1
Internal ID:                2
State:                      PUBLISHED
Path:                       /share1
All applied objectives:
                         [ID: be321c5e-0edd-4e4d-8fff-2406daa87c52, Internal ID: 536870912, Name: keep-online]
                         [ID: 3b0e981f-6f21-4b5a-80fa-d7f94681bb9c, Internal ID: 536870914, Name: optimize-for-capacity]
                         [ID: d45d8170-44ae-4b99-8b85-e935d9f3fcc6, Internal ID: 536870915, Name: delegate-on-open]
                         [ID: bc945b58-e3d7-4cac-9f29-0387a6dde0bc, Internal ID: 536870916, Name: layout-get-on-open]
                         [ID: 5d30faed-b46a-4a0a-9db3-b2c3a3734be9, Internal ID: 536870918, Name: durability-1-nine]
                         [ID: 0b0e149d-3bf2-46dc-b2f6-5dc767f1ec38, Internal ID: 536870922, Name: availability-1-nine]
                         [ID: 0e685071-2730-4cda-96dc-705edb321bf7, Internal ID: 536870919, Name: durability-3-nines]
Active objectives:
                         [ID: 3b0e981f-6f21-4b5a-80fa-d7f94681bb9c, Internal ID: 536870914, Name: optimize-for-capacity]
                         [ID: d45d8170-44ae-4b99-8b85-e935d9f3fcc6, Internal ID: 536870915, Name: delegate-on-open]
Size:                       1TB
Warn when size crosses:     90%
Size limit state:           NORMAL
Export options:
                         [Subnet: *, Access permissions: RW, Root-squash: false]
Participant ID:             0
Replication participants:
                         ID:                                  00bba667-737a-47de-a715-dbe2072dc3b8
                         Participant share internal ID:       2
                         Participant site name:               CLUSTER3
                         Participant site management address:
                         Participant site data address:
                         Participant ID:                      0

[email protected]>

NFS client preparation

Install your favorite Linux. This time I used CentOS7.

# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core

Driver update
# yum install /tmp/kmod-qlgc-fastlinq-
# nmcli
ens192:Connected to ens192
        "QLogic FastLinQ QL45000"
        ethernet (qede), 00:0C:29:13:59:0C, hw,Port 000e1ed3db68, mtu 1500
        inet6 fe80::97f3:ab5c:4725:2edc/64
        route6 fe80::/64
        route6 ff00::/8
# yum install nfs-utils
# mount -t nfs -o v4.2 /mnt
# mount
(Omitted) on /mnt type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=
# df -h
File system size used Remaining used%Mount position     932G     0  932G    0% /mnt
# lsmod | grep nfs_layout_flexfiles
nfs_layout_flexfiles    43542  1
nfsv4                 583218  2 nfs_layout_flexfiles
nfs                   261876  4 nfsv3,nfsv4,nfs_layout_flexfiles
sunrpc                354099  19 nfs,rpcsec_gss_krb5,auth_rpcgss,lockd,nfsv3,nfsv4,nfs_layout_flexfiles,nfs_acl

I will take a peek immediately.

# ls /mnt
# ls /mnt/.snapshot/
# ls /mnt/.snapshot/current/
# ls /mnt/.collections/
all                  live           open                   silent-access
assimilation-failed  misaligned     permanent-data-loss    snapshot
backup               not-selected   replication-collision  undelete
do-not-move          not-selected2  scan                   volatile
durable              offline        selected
errored              online         selected2

There are no files, but you can see various things with NFS. Please devise and use it.

Try writing.

# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536

# ulimit -n
# cd /tmp
# echo {1..1000} | tee testfile{0..65535}

About 60,000 files of about 4KB will be created.

~~ Continued next time. ~~


http://akishin.hatenablog.jp/entry/20130213/1360711554 https://qiita.com/kainos/items/5d8c47e64b5b06a60d0e https://access.redhat.com/documentation/ja-jp/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/storage_administration_guide/nfs-pnfs

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Try mounting DataCore vFilO Share with NFS4.2 (pNFS)