$ tensorboard --logdir ./
And hit
TensorBoard 2.2.1 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Was output,
When __tensorboard cannot be seen at http: // localhost: 6006 /
My PC is windows Remote server is linux
I used putty to log in to the server with remote login. So I used tensorboard. The output __site could not be accessed __.
Log in remotely using user__name__remote and server__name__server.
remote@server's password:passward
__ Launch tensorboard in the current directory __.
[remote@server ~]$ tensorboard --logdir ./
Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
TensorBoard 2.2.1 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Open the terminal on your PC </ font>.
Open a command prompt with user__name__user. This username is an example. Then enter as follows.
C:\Users\user>ssh -L (port number):localhost:6006 (Username on the remote side)@(IP address of the server on the remote side)
(Port number) is a free port number such as 49513 to 65535. (User name on the remote side) __name __ like remote. (IP address of the server on the remote side) __ Number __, such as 987.098.082.99.
By typing the above code into the command prompt http://localhost:(ポート番号)/ You can see tensorflow from.
My situation
C:\Users\user>ssh -L 49513:localhost:6006 [email protected]
You can see the tensorboard from [http: // localhost: 49513 /](http: // localhost: 49513 /).
__Supplement __ __ (IP address of the server on the remote side) __ is a very __private __ number. If you log in remotely to a server other than your own server, (the IP address of the remote server) may be invisible. In that case, ask the administrator of the server (IP address of the remote server).
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