ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
As the cause of the error
Although there are multiple conditions, each is not enclosed in ()
, and it is written as ʻand or notinstead of bit operations such as
& | ^`, but [^ 1] [^ stackoverflow] Article]
If you change ʻisin to ʻin
, you will get the same error message, so be careful.
tmp__ = transactions[(transactions["year"] == "2014" ) & (transactions ["month"] in ["06","07","08"]))]
tmp__ = transactions[(transactions["year"] == "2014" ) & (transactions["month"].isin( ["06","07","08"]))]
[^ 1]: Cases and reasons why this error occurs in nkmk's blog post (Pandas and Numby ndarray are element-wise operators (and,) using bitwise (&, |, ~) to disambiguate. (Or, nor, etc.) is overridden) is written
[^ stackoverflow article]: The stackoverflow article explains in a little more detail how ambiguous it is.