I run a Minecraft server I made it because I wanted to back it up and restart it on a regular basis.
By operating from the OS side using a shell script instead of processing in minecraft It works without mods or plugins.
Make an article so that you don't forget it for yourself
This article is created under the following conditions.
-Being a Linux server. (Probably possible with bat on Windows) --It doesn't matter whether it's Forge Server or Bukkit Server. -** Compatible with all versions **
It is convenient to run the server process in the screen
environment, so if screen
is not included, install it.
# yum -y install screen
Run it as root user or sudo.
Next, create a directory to save the backup data. The location and directory name are free. (Avoid only in the world directory of the Minecraft server)
$ mkdir backup
This is the main program this time. First, make a shell wherever you like. Please use the same user as the Minecraft server below. How to use the vi editor
$ vi backup.sh
↓ Copy and paste ↓ (* Only the file path needs to be rewritten)
#Minecraft backup automatic creation script
#######Send a message for those in the game.#######
time1=60 #You can adjust the time until restart by playing with this number
screen -S minecraft -X stuff 'say §a§l§n automatic announcement'`echo -ne '\015'`
screen -S minecraft -X stuff 'say §b'$time1'After § seconds, perform § l backup § 6 and § l reboot § 6.'`echo -ne '\015'`
time2=`expr $time1 - 10`
sleep `expr $time2`
screen -S minecraft -X stuff 'say §c The server will stop automatically soon.'`echo -ne '\015'`
sleep 10
screen -S minecraft -X stuff 'stop'`echo -ne '\015'` #End of minecraft
##########Wait until minecraft is completely finished##########
#To count the number of java processes
#If you are running java elsewhere, please adjust
count1=`ps -ef | grep java | grep -v grep | wc -l`
while :
if [ $count1 = 0 ] ; then
sleep 0.5
count1=`ps -ef | grep java | grep -v grep | wc -l`
##############Backup start#################
#Copy of world directory
cp minecraft path/world backup directory path/backup
#Compress to zip
zip backup directory path/backup/world backup directory path/backup
#Date the file name
cp -aiv backup directory path/backup/world.zip backup directory path/backup/world.`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M"`.zip
#Erase what you don't need
rm -rf backup directory path/backup/world
rm backup directory path/backup/world.zip
#############minecraft restart##############
screen -S minecraft -X stuff 'java -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M -jar server jar absolute path(Example/home/User/Minecraft/server.jar) nogui'`echo -ne '\015'`
#java argument is optional
Please make fine adjustments by yourself.
Grant permissions to run
$ chmod 744 backup.sh
Due to sending commands ** The server starts on screen. ** ← Important here screen is like a virtual desktop. Launch a screen named minecraft.
$ screen -S minecraft
If the screen called minecraft is already running, attach it.
$ screen -r minecraft
Run Minecraft Server inside the screen. From the shell or from the command ↓ In case of command
$cd minecraft server path
$ java -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui
I think this will start the server as usual, so detach it.
Press the
Ctrl key
+ ʻa keyand then the
d key`.
Then you will be returned to the Linux command line, but behind the scenes, Minecraft's server is running. ** If you want to go back to Minecraft console, please attach above **
Run the shell with the screen detached.
$ ./backup.sh
A message appears in Minecraft
It is successful if automatic stop → backup → automatic start is performed.
Back file data is created in this way.
To restore the backup, unzip the zip and replace it with the world directory.
That is all. Thank you for your hard work.
It can be automatically executed at a fixed time every day.
Use cron
for that.
CentOS should already have cron, but if it doesn't, install it.
# yum -y install crontabs
Create a couomb. Please do it with the same user as the Minecraft server
$ crontab -e
The vi editor starts Below is an example. For example, if you wanted to run at 6:00 AM and 4:00 PM
0 6,16 * * * /home/User/backup.sh(backup.absolute path of sh)
, And write. For details, please see this article because it is excellent.