What is the actual color of backGroundColor that adds color to the UI? I was curious, so I looked it up.
I will display it all over.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import pymel.core as pm
windowtitle = 'ColorCheck'
wndwName = 'ColorCheck'
if pm.window(wndwName, ex=True):
win = pm.window(wndwName, t=windowtitle, w=True )
with win:
SCL = pm.scrollLayout()
with SCL:
column = pm.columnLayout(adj=True)
with column:
for i in range(0,11):
for j in range(0,11):
RCL = pm.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=22)
with RCL:
for k in range(0,11):
a = i * 0.1
b = j * 0.1
c = k * 0.1
l=u'%s %s %s'%(str(a), str(b), str(c)),
bgc=(a, b ,c),
c="print %s, %s, %s"%(str(a), str(b), str(c)),
pm.separator(st="none", w=5)
pm.separator(st="none", h=5)
Execution result
It's vivid!
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