An orthodox evolution of VIM, a great editor, named Neovim-Qt. It seems to be a modern next-generation graphical Vim, and I heard that it is the No. 1 editor. There is no reason not to use it anyway, so I decided to switch without knowing what was different.
Vim △ Gvim ☓ Neovim ○ Neovim-qt ◎ Now here
sudo apt install neovim-qt
neovim doesn't seem to have a config file .vimrc
. It seems to read from ~ / .config / nvim / init.vim
, and I created a .vimrc symbolic link.
Create a symbolic link
ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
Guifont DejaVu Sans Mono:h15
Click here for more information
I'm using Vim Plug
, so I'll get the Neovim version of Vim Plug
with curl.
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Being able to handle NERDTree as if it were a file manager is the appeal of Gvim in general.
The comparison of this article is easy to understand.
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