[LINUX] Corrective action for Bad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config error that occurs when executing an SSH command

An error occurs when trying to ssh to an EC2 instance

The environment is as follows

Execution command

ssh (Hostname)

Error statement

Bad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config


If the permissions of ~ / .ssh / config are loose (chmod 777, etc.) When executing the ssh command Returns a Bad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config error.


When I restricted the permissions of ~ / .ssh / config to read / write by the owner, the error disappeared and it started to work normally.


$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

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Corrective action for Bad owner or permissions on /home/(user_name)/.ssh/config error that occurs when executing an SSH command