[PYTHON] Github Interesting Repository ③ ~ Don't get bored during the loop? New progress bar ~

About this series

I made a regular notification function for information from the trend repository on github, and this is a series that introduces the interesting repositories that I discovered through it. The table of contents is here.

What is alive-progress?

This time, I will introduce an interesting progress bar called alive-progress. I think that most people use tqdm when it comes to python's progress bar, but alive-progress was created for those who want to use a slightly playful progress bar. It looks like the one below. progress.gif

How to use

First, install alive-progress.

pip install alive-progress

If you want it to behave like the GIF above, you can do it with the code below.

from alive_progress import alive_bar, config_handler
import time
from tqdm import tqdm

def main():
	for x in 5000, 6000:
		with alive_bar(x, bar='checks', spinner='notes') as bar:
			for i in range(5000):
    # show_bars()
    # show_spinners()

if __name__ == '__main__':

It's okay if you pass the number of loops as the first argument of the with statement. After that, if you select the type of bar at bar ='' and the display on the right side of bar with spinner ='', it will look like a GIF. A check mark is selected for bar and a note is selected for spinner. Then put bar () at the end of the for statement and you're done. Valuations for bar and spinners are displayed by show_bars () and show_spinners (), respectively. List of bars bars.gif List of spinner spinners.gif

Comparison with tqdm

I compared it with the code below.

from alive_progress import alive_bar, config_handler
import time
from tqdm import tqdm

def main():
	print("~~Using tqdm~~")
	for i in 1000, 2000:
		for x in tqdm(range(1000)):

	print("~~Using active-progress")
	for x in 1000, 2000:
		with alive_bar(x, bar='checks', spinner='notes') as bar:
			for i in range(1000):

The result looks like the one below. tqdm.gif When the passed value isn't completely looped (2000 this time), active-progress is signaled by a (!) Mark. For simplicity, tqdm is good, but I like active-progress (laughs).


I'm looking forward to writing the code that turns the loop (laughs).

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