I was addicted to tinkering with kali linux in Virtualbox for the first time in a while, so I will write it as a memorandum.
apt update
apt upgrade
apt dist-upgrade
After running them, failed due to lack of disk
As I found out later, it seems that unnecessary packages worked badly and all subsequent apts failed.
apt --fix-broken install
A message is output asking you to do this
An error occurred in / var / cache / apt / archives / *
apt will save packages under / var / cache / apt / archives / So be prepared to delete them all at once
Unnecessary packages can be deleted with the following command
command | description |
sudo apt clean | Delete APT cache |
sudo apt autoclean | Delete unused files from APT cache |
Edit repository reference
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
https://blog.treedown.net/entry/2019/05/15/010000 https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20190724-864746/
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